Hi guys, this is Krissy from MA. My husband and I have been swooooning over the Prius for the past few years, and we are finally thinking about diving in. As you all have likely experienced, anti-Prius people *LOVE* to tell me why buying is a bad idea. Can you give me your best arguements so I can fight back with the some facts? (People telling me it's not safe, too expensive to buy, too expensive to fix, ya da ya da.) Can you give me your best arguements to fight back with? Why do you love it? And how does the tax credit work? Also for my benefit, how long did you wait for your order? Is there any room for negotiation with the dealers or does the high demand nip that in the bud? Sorry to be so basic, but I need some ammo (besides the obvious)... Thanks so much (and I'm so glad I found my kindred spirits)!
Hi Krissy, Check out the section on Government Incentives in the Toyota_Prius_FAQ. It has fairly comprehensive coverage of the tax credit. It has lots of other good information as well. You can expect to pay MSRP for an '06. You might be able to negotiate a better price on an '05 in December but it'll take effort and not a little luck. I ordered my '06 back in August for January delivery to take advantage of the tax credit.
Welcome! People I know haven't tried to tell me I was wrong to get the Prius, not even before I got it. I got on a list in Sept '04. I ended up calling another dealer in April who had one in stock. I bought it on a Thursday (over the phone) and picked it up the next Saturday. I paid MSRP. NOTE: If at all possible rent one for a day or so. Some people have problems with the seats and are in pain after a short while. You can got to http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/findacar.htm and compare the Prius with the ones they think you should get.
Krissy, I just purchased a Prius on Saturday. There are tax credits and tag credit in Virginia. Also can get on HOV alone. I was able to get my 2005 Package #4 Prius for about $1300 off of sticker. They also took my 1996 Saturn with a blown head and gave me $1000 for it. If you calculate everything out then its close to the same price as a Camry after the tax items. As for maintance, I am going to get the prepaid here on this site. One other thing, its a Toyota, its going to last. R
Make sure you take a good long test drive before you make up your mind. Some people have even rented a Prius for a day or so before they bought one, or in a couple of cases didn't buy one. If you end up feeling the same way most of us do about the car you won't even listen to all those people who love to tell you buying it is a bad idea. Try to find a dealer that won't charge you a deposit for putting you on his waiting list, that only protects him and keeps you from going elsewhere. Never buy from a dealer that wants to charge you more than MSRP.
I will hopefully take delivery of a 2006 Prius in January, after a 4 month wait. I particularly get miffed at people who say that it's too expensive. COMPARED TO WHAT? Certainly there are more "economical" cars. ie, cheaper and with good gas mileage. So what. There are lots of cars WAY more expensive, and, lets me honest, it's just a machine to take you from point A to point B. Does anyone really need a $60,000 BMW to get from A to B. (uh-oh, sorry, no offense to the BMW lovers ) No other car comes close to the unique features of the Prius. Bottom line, IMO, is if you like the car and can afford it, why do you have to justify buying it? Do people tell prospective Porsche buyers that Porsches are too expensive? How about Lexus buyers, BMW buyers, MiniCooper buyers??? What about people who replace their depreciating capital investment every 2 to 3 years? Now there's an expensive proposition! I think it must be fun for some people to pick on the strange, new guy on the block...the hybrid. Am I going to have fun driving my new Prius or WHAT!!!
Welcome! I shall address the 'arguments' above in turn, as I have had some similar conversations; I hope this is helpful! * It's not safe Not according to many national and international safety standards boards, who have given the Prius excellent ratings in most categories- and if you get the options package which includes the side curtain airbags, the car is that much safer! I've seen several first-hand reports here on PriusChat, and elsewhere, of Prii getting simply creamed by SUVs, 18-wheelers, and the like, wherein the Prius drivers and passengers walked away. Here are some links to some crash test analyses: Automotive.com ANCAP (Australia) NCAP (European New Car Assessment Programme) US NHTSA NCAP * It's too expensive to buy This is entirely subjective. The MSRP is freely available from Toyota's site, and any reputable dealer will not charge you a markup due to popularity. This puts the car roughly in the $20,000 to $30,000 range, which isn't too outlandish for a sedan with all the features you get with the Prius. * It's too expensive to fix The Prius is, in almost all cases, no more expensive to fix than any other new car would be, for anything you would be required to fix or maintain (e. g. tires, oil changes, et cetera). Often-raised is the argument that you'll "have to buy a new $5,000 battery every five (or ten) years", which doesn't really have any facts behind it, and I suspect (though I know not for sure) that the $5,000 price point is rather more than what one would pay.
Ah, Krissy, I've only encountered jealousy here in Toronto! Such a neat looking car - I would have bought my 2005 even if it'd run only on gas! There aren't many in Toronto so you tend to get alot of stares. The only thing I've noticed is that there is a tendency to drive like a 'girlie' - when you're aware of how much gas you use, you tend to lighten up on the pedal and go for electric as much as you can .. much to the chagrin of those behind me. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. And you'll develop a sudden awareness of every damn hill you encounter - esp up - on your daily commute. But it's a gas (pun intended) to drive ... and as a former manual driver who's gone automatic, I still feel as if I'm 'driving' the car.
Edmunds has a True Cost To Own calculator which includes maintenance. Run their cars thru the calcs and compare with the Prius calcs. That should keep them pretty quiet. http://www.edmunds.com/apps/cto/CTOintroController
Hi Krissy, Most people's reasons for NOT getting the Prius are simply myths. I traded a Jeep Grand Cherokee for it and haven't missed it in the 6k miles I've driven since Sept 1st. I even had a chance to drive it in the snow on Thanksgiving (with my Revo-1 snow tires) and it handled great as well. Maintenance costs as mentioned are similiar. Change oil every 5k miles and do a bit more at 30k, 60k..etc. Here in MA, I've been averaging about 49mpg. So the gas savings is quite nice! All the other extras are nice too. I went for a Pkg 6, since I drive a lot and really wanted GPS and it's very cool! If you want it, get it!
Krissy, If you and your hubby have been thinking on this for three years, I believe your mind is made up! In my humble opinion, DON'T "Fight" them...afterall...what's that worth? It's your money, your time and your knowledge that counts....not anyone elses. Be confident in that! Aaron
Krissy, There are many reasons for buying the Prius. No you may not save money on gas, but my bet is that you will! This is a Toyota and CR et al all say this is a low maintenance car. Check out the posts on the 300k Prii Taxi in Vancouver BC. The primary reason for the car is that it is Environmentally friendly car. That is job 1, to borrow a phrase, for the car and you do not have to be ashamed of that. No they are not primarily about low millage that is a secondary feature that you can effect. Is this the car of the future... NO it is a bridge technology, but a much needed one. The car, the concept, and the reality makes a statement. It says I care about tomorrow. It is as I see it hope for the future, that if we work together we can make a difference. Climbs off the soap box. I really do feel better and the nice nurse is coming to give me a shot and it will be all better.
Krissy, If whoever you're talking with about this decision is close to you (relative, good friend whatever), again don't fight and IF you wish to discuss...do this... Ask them these three questions: "Do you know what the federal tax incentive is for buying a hybrid for this year?" "Do you know what the federal tax incentive is for buying a "Prius" hybrid in 2006?" "Do you know the difference between the two?" I betcha they don't know the answers to all three...maybe one. Now, if the above statement is true, are they really qualified to "fight" with YOU? After you ask all three and they can't answer ALL three, you simply say "HMMMM". This is the most important part... DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR THEM! Leave it at that. Silence is key! Oh that golden moment. You just might inspire one of them to do their own research, which may not be a bad thing. It is soooo easy to control a conversation with some simple questions! Oh, and if/when you get your Prius.... Ask them if they know what YOUR average MPG is in the Prius. (the list of questions can go on and on) Uh, do they know? Give it a try, do some role-playing with your hubby first! This is my humble advice to you. Why go on the defense when good questioning is your best offense? I'm stepping down off my "Salesman" soap box now... Aaron
Hi Krissy, Great to see you here!!! There are a lot of reasons to get a Prius, starting with the fuel economy. I drove a Ford F150 before getting my Prius, and have gone from paying $50 per fillup to $15. Quite a difference!! <_< I an averaging in the high 40's to low 50's - much better than 15 mpg!! I ordered mine at the beginning of Sept (when gas reached $3.30/gal) and picked it up almost exactly 2 months later on Nov. 6. I have found that it is making a saner driver out of me - I was always 10-20 mph above the sped limit, but now, I stay closer to it if not under it - gotta make that great mileage!! I also am noticing every change of elevation on the roads I use to go back and forth to work... :huh: I have the #6 package with the NAV and bluetooth connection. NJ requires handfree cell phones, and the integrated Bluetooth allows me to answer the phone without taking my hands off the wheel. It even is kind enough to mute the radio until I hang up. The NAV has come in handy for getting un-lost(?) and finding alternate roads. I have not yet begun to use al the options - I need to do that soon. It is a really intelligent car, and I love the SKS - no key required!! I have everyone thinking that the care 'knows me' and opens up just for me... It is a car you can have a bit of fun with - just activate the voice commands -it's fun to be able to talk to your car!! The Prius also has a 5-star crash rating, so is safe as well as fun. It is easy to park and handles well. I hope some of this helps
Welcome Krissy! Well, I even had a salesman at the Toyota dealer say "Why are you looking at a Prius? If it's to save money, the Corolla is a better deal." I didn't buy from them. Like the others, I find myself driving safer when it comes to speed. Sure, I can get the Prius going 70-75 mph and not realize it (translation: it CAN go fast) but I know my mph are going down, and I like saving both my budget and the pollution advisories, so I slow it back down when that happens. I get reimbursed for mileage by my company in lieu of a car allowance. With the Highlander, which does a great 20-25 mpg for an SUV, I always felt behind the curve. With the Prius, now I feel like I'm ahead of the game in banking my reimbursements instead of paying the gas bills. Lastly, it's such a fun car to drive. Don't worry about what the others say. Get one, and they'll be green with envy. And you'll be green for the environment!
Hi Krissy. Welcome to Prius Chat. Don't argue. Don't argue with anyone who tells you not to buy a Prius. Just tell them, "I like it." As for their arguments (from your post: unsafe, too expensive to buy, too expensive to fix): 1. The Prius has been tested by the National Traffic Safety Commission. No car of its size is safer. And many big vehicles (such as SUVs) are much less safe. The Prius performs marvellously in crash tests. A big heavy Volvo might be safer. Volvos have a reputation for safety. But so do Toyotas. 2. Cost to buy. This depends on your budget. If you are working at Walmart, the Prius is probably too expensive. But as regards value for price, the quality and the features of the Prius are worth every penny of the price, assuming you pay MSRP. It is brilliantly designed and has outstanding quality control. This is not a car for someone who needs the cheapest possible transportation. But it is excellent value for what you get. And it is easier on the environment than any other 4-to-5 passenger car on the road. 3. Cost to fix. Toyotas are so reliable that you seldom need to fix anything. The car has a 3-year warranty and the hybrid components have a 7-year warranty. The battery will never need replacing unless hubby decides to "improve" it by drilling a hole in it to let off the excess flagistan. What are the most common repair items in a conventional car? They are clutch (manual) and transmission (automatic). But the Prius has neither clutch nor transmission!!! There's no clutch because nothing is ever disengaged, and instead of a transmission there's a "Planetary Power-Split Device" (PSD) which bears no resemblance whatsoever to any sort of transmission. It's very like a differential, and differentials almost never go bad. So, it's safe, it's great value for the money, and cheaper to maintain than any American-made car because it needs repairs so much less often!. But don't use the above to argue with your friends and family. This is all just for you. For them, just smile and say, "I like it." Arguing has nothing to do with what's best. The more skilled arguer will win every time. The correct position will never win unless the arguer happens to be the more skilled. NOTE ON SAFETY: Do be sure to get one of the options packages that includes ALL the airbags and the Vehicle Stability Control (VSC). There are side-curtain air bags and head air bags which are available in some options packages, but not included standard. And the VSC is an option. And you might want to consider making your first stop a tire store to replace the OEM tires with the best all-season or winter tires you can get. The OEM tires really are not bad, but they are far, far from being the best. The Prius is, without a doubt, the coolest car in the universe.
WOW! Thank you all so much!!! I am printing your amazing replies as I speak! You are all great. I will report back with my progress.