I was at the 2011 Punkin Championship in Delaware last Saturday. Had a great time, but when we returned to the car I discovered the key fob had fallen off the key on my key ring. I keep my keys on my belt loop with a clip, and have always done so without loosing a fob or keys. I could open the doors with the key but could not start the car. I can't believe the fob is secured to the key ring buy the key, and not buy the fob - poor design. I had to be towed 69 miles to Annapolis where I spent the night with my brother and used his truck to drive the 200 miles home on Sunday to retrieve my spare fob and then return to Annapolis to get my car. So much for "smartkey" technology; I'd rather have a key - I could then carry a spare in my wallet like I do for my Land cruiser. The dealer wants $263 for a new fob and another $95 to program it. There should be a workaround for starting the car without the fob for these kinds of situations. This was way too expensive for just loosing a fob. I'd rather have a "dumbkey". Ain't technology great?
Agree with you 110%.....give me a dumb key such that I can carry a spare in my wallet. The Japanese brands typically do very well at understanding who is the customer, the voice of the customer and their requirements. In this case they failed. Being forced to spend $300 plus is unnecessary when a $1 key will do. Toyota indicates...we are enhancing the customers experience by providing enhanced security. Frankly if someone wants my prius that bad they can have it. That's why I have insurance. I would rather Toyota provide a radio with better reception, graphics you can read in the sunlight and day time running lights.
+1 to shawnprius. I just checked my fob and the key segment is locked into the fob very tightly. I really had to press that little button to free it. So was your key fully locked into the fob? I think it clicks into the locked position. One dumb thing I got talked into when I bought mine was key fob insurance. I think it was $95 more but I was told it would cover anything that goes wrong with one including loss or replacement batteries when they expire. The price of a new fob with reprogramming could go as high as $500 so since I'm new to smartkeys too, I popped for it. I like the concept as it makes opening and starting the car a breeze.
I love the fob as it never leaves my shirt pocket, so I don't lose it. Once a day I move it to a new shirt. ^ stock photo, not me^
Yes it was locked in tightly as I have never removed it and have been carrying it for 8 months. I still maintain the fob, not the key, should attach to the key ring. Dumb design.
I've seen ads on ebay for key fob covers/cases. They all have some kind of ring or clip on them. I agree, this part of the fob design is bad.
Thanks for the heads up. I never tried to remove the key and I now see how bad the design is. I think some of the new Lexus fobs are the same way. My 05 LS430 has the key ring loop on the fob and the key tucks inside. Of course, that is the old, large design that allows you to use the end of the fob as a plastic SmartAccess "key" to turn the ignition switch rather than a button.
So, I replaced the fob at the dealer. $374.54 total with programming. At least I got them to turn off that infernal reverse beeping while they were programming the fobs. Looks like my insurance company will cover the cost - we'll see.
I have one fob in the purse and the other in the backpack. I always have either the purse or the backpack with me. I go weeks without even seeing the fob.
Drag. I'm not sure I would have realized the attachment design carried in the OPs manner was a loss risk either. I'm lucky that I carry the fob in a fanny pack hung on my contra-lateral shoulder so no attachments are involved. The fob is buried deep in the pack and only sees light of day when I pull it out for a mechanic. I wonder if the designers were accommodating people who want the key on a chain and the fob elsewhere.
Found this on ebay. Someone could buy the lot, keep one or two for themselves, and sell the remainder for $75 each and break even. eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
Can't program used smart keys unless you have a way to do a seed reset. Supposedly there is an aftermarket program that will do a seed reset, then use Techstream to program all keys.
I have 2 cars with the SmartKey technology. I do enjoy it, but I do get nervous about losing a fob - especially when I'm on vacation. I have a spare key (and ONLY the key!) tie-wrapped to a hidden part of the car body and a spare fob (WITHOUT the battery installed) hidden inside the car. If I ever lose the fob and/or the key, I can retrieve the key from its hidden spot on the car and open the door to get the hidden fob. I've tried to start the car with the battery-less fob and it works fine!
I'm still waiting for a Prius owner to have the keyfob transponder subdermally inplanted in their rectum...I suppose battery replacement would be a pain... I wouldn't really fault anyone for "how" they carry their fob. I don't think anyone plans on losing it. Plus you can lose it, or have incident, and that's just life. Can't really predict what might happen, whether you keep fob on a ring, looped to your belt, pants, purse, whatever... To the OP...let us know if your insurance does agree to cover this cost...I'd be surprised..."nice insurance" if they do...
It doesn't work well. I find I have to back up to the door and then reach around to touch the handle. It looks silly and is awkward at best. I am also worried about losing the fob after eating Mexican food. Tom