OK, so you got the v Mdl 5 w/ATP and have the Moonroof. Several people have commented on just how much care it needs. 1. What was its condition at delivery? 2. Have you taken any special precautions to protect it? 3. What do you use to clean it? 4. Would you get one again?
1. Perfect 2. Not yet 3. Nothing internally yet, it did get run through a car wash that is "touchless" and I did see the guys run scrub brushes on it and cringed, but no problem (whew!) 4. Hmm. A little too early to say. Honestly, I wanted other features of the ATP and the moonroof is part of the package, if I could have gotten DRCC without the moonroof I would have. Peter+
Only had it for a week and can't comment on the first three questions yet. But would I get it again? In heartbeat. Live in the rainiest state in the union and having the extra light all the time is an outstanding treat.
I guess I'll re-iterate what most have said so far: It was fine when I got it, worked the 2-3 times I've operated it, haven't done any cleaning nor special precautions. Get one again? Too early to tell.
I read in the manual that for automatic car washes you're supposed to fold in the side mirros and take off the antenna. I did that the first time but not the next two times. There appear to be no problems. I run though a laser-guided, brushless car wash. --Russ
Hi all - I'm very new here! I live in Montgomery County, MD and just took delivery of my new 2012 Prius V w/ ATP in blue ribbon metallic! I really wanted the moonroof but didn't realize anything at the time about special care - what exactly do "soft touch" or non-brushless car washes do that can damage the moonroof? I got the paint protection film on my hood - wasn't told it could be put on the roof.