So....has anyone experimented with overriding the NAV and/or Phone features that are disabled when driving? I'd be anxious to know if it's possible. However, it may be a moot point if you can do the following: 1) Make calls via voice commands 2) Program you destination via: a) voice commands (if not too lengthy) b) an app on your phone that your NAV can then download (like Lexus Enform) c) calling someone at Toyota, telling them your destination, and having them send it to your your NAV system remotely (like the Lexus paid subscription service [part of Enform]). So, who's going to start the hacking? --Russ
You can make calls through voice command and you can even program a destination via voice command while driving. If you say: Destination <address> it will take a minute or two, but generally gets it right.
Hit the voice command button on the steering wheel, say "Enter an address", say the city, say the street name (no avenue, etc. needed) say the street number as digits "eight-zero-zero" not "eight hundred" -- takes a few seconds, has worked every time for me. You may occasionally be asked to disambiguate a couple of potential addresses if there's two streets (i.e. some street and some avenue, or east/west some street) that both have a street number as given. I find it's actually faster than typing an address in. Peter+
Are each of those prompts that you have to wait for (for city, street, number)? Or can you just say it all at once (like a normal human)? --Russ
Depends on the system you've got. Both can do #1 and #2a and runukraine and pvogel have shown. The HDD system can do #2b. With that system, you can search for a POI via BING on the phone, and save it. Then, download it to the system via ENTUNE. Neither can do #2c since that's still a Lexus only thing. With the Display Audio system, you can enter it all on one phrase, i.e. 1234 First Street Somewhere, Alaska. With the HDD, it's step by step, but you can turn off the system prompts and it speeds up substantially.
Check out this thread maybe cproaudio might know how to make a bypass. I know that I am linking to a Gen III standard Prius thread but one would think the speed lock would be similar no?