A funny thing happened while on vacation... My wife and I were visiting her mom in Corpus Christi, TX, last weekend and were looking for ways to kill time. Being the *frugal* person I am, I often will stop in at model homes or car lots to have a free walk through or test drive to kill some time. We had been looking at the 3rd gen Prius recently, although my wife found it somewhat uncomfortable, and decided a week ago Saturday we would check out some more 2nd and 3rd gen's while in Corpus. We pulled into Champion Toyota and ask if they have any used 2nd or 3rd gen's we could look at. After seeing that the 3rd gen used is practically the same price as a new one, we got a little discouraged on finding a 'deal.' The salesman asked if we wanted to see something that came off the truck late the night before. Initially, we weren't very interested in seeing anything else, but then we round the corner, and a new 2012 Prius v is staring us in the face! We live outside Austin, and the dealer there told us the 2012s wouldn't be there until next spring, so I was taken aback that, not only did this dealer have a 2012, but a v! The test drive in the v sold us on the car. I could get the bells and whistles, not to mention (close to) the gas mileage of a Prius, but in a car we were both comfortable in. As we were purchasing the vehicle, more and more salespeople were coming over to get a closer look at the car, and regaling us with stories on how they had people lined up to look at this car today, and we just walk in off the street and buy it! I knew these additions to the Prius family were coming, but didn't realize how scarce they would be in Texas. Speaking to the manager, as far as their dealership knew, the car we bought was one of only TWO DELIVERED TO TEXAS SO FAR! The previous night, one was delivered to Houston and one to Corpus (ours). Nobody knew they were coming and we still don't know why those dealerships were picked. Needless to say, we feel very blessed to have gotten so lucky in finding our perfect car. I'm really enjoying the v so far, and in mixed driving I am averaging 45 mpg. I'm looking forward to spending some time on this forum to learn as much as I can about this car, and hearing other people's stories. -Pooligan
Congratulations! It is amazing how "frugal" people like us find ourselves in these situations! Enjoy, Jeff
Congratulations. For internet sales 17 showed up on their web sales page. I personally know that there is 1 v3 in Fort Worth, 2 Blizzard Perl in Arlington and 1 up North in Denison Texas. You probably already read this but, see our other comment: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-v-main-forum/99830-do-dealers-hold-up-sale.html The two in Arlington have the 3M paint film already installed. So I am not sure how well the paint film works over time (yellowing). Won't look good on a Blizzard White. And after a week the dealership in Denison TX does not seem to want to do a dealer trade. Enjoy your new car. We have driven 09's for almost 3 years [both about 7,000 miles] and laugh at ourselves when we can't remember the last time we filled up with gas !! Good thing I keep all our gas receipts and maintain an Excel spreadsheet listing for both cars. That is the only way I remember for sure the last time either of us bought gas. Just checking... last time was mid September 2011 and this is 7 November 2011. Prius has certainly been kind on our budget. Y'all take care now, ya hear ?
Congrats! The v cars were always going to come sooner than the other 2012s. FYI, I stopped at a random lot here in Houston a week ago and found a v to look at. I suspect most Gulf States region dealers have gotten their first v cars by now, or soon will. Might take a while to build up inventory to the West Coast levels, where people seem to getting great deals on them due to large inventories there.