Hi there, I am currently patiently (well, mostly) waiting for my 2006 Barcelona Red Prius to arrive. I have been lurking here for quite some time and really appreciate all of the great information that is posted here You are a very knowledgeable group of individuals. Thanks! While I wait I figured I would pre-order a MFD screen protector. I went to Ebay and found one made by ScreenPatronus (someone here had mentioned the name but for the life of me I can't find the link). I placed an order for one and they even ship to Canada (via carrier-squirrel)! The one question that they did ask was in regards to the DIMENSIONS (W x H) of the 2006 MFD as they were unsure if the 2005 MFD cover would fit?! Not having my 2006 Prius YET (!!) I figured the easiest way to get it answered would be to do one of the following: (1) Search Priuschat (2) If answer not found, POST! So if someone who has access to the delightful manuals and/or a measuring tape and has a 2006 Prius could help me out it would be greatly appreciated! ...I could even mail you snow Canadian snow? - Stan
To followup on my original post in case someone else ever has this question. The dimensions of the 2006 Toyota Prius MFD are THE SAME as those for the 2005 MFD, namely 16" x 9". I had this verified by a Toyota Technician who checked the Service manuals for me! Hope the info helps someone, - Stan
Is this right? I think the aspect ration is 16:9, but this seems way too wide, 16" nearly a foot and a half?!
I just measured the MFD screen on my 05 (BC). the dimensions are approximately: 6-1/8" * 3-3/4" (7"+ diagonal) The width of the bezel (outside the buttons) about half way down the screen is about 8-1/2 inches. No idea what the 06 MFD size will be. Norm
Maybe, but it would probably be better to go to a place like http://www.screenpatronus.com/ or http://sigmaautomotive.com/jdm/prius/prius0405.php to make sure you're using the correct material.
WHOOPS! I was thinking 16:9 aspect ratio, my apologies for that. I was distracted when I wrote that response while in a loooong telecon. Thanks for the dimensions folks, that's exactly what I MEANT to write... :blink: But wouldn't 16" x 9" be a BETTER MFD size?? - Stan