thought some of the cell phone fanatics might be interested in this preview/review of the upcoming verizon/motorola droid: Motorola Droid Preview : Boy Genius Report latest rumors have it being officially announced on Oct. 30 and available on Nov. 6.
I just bought the Droid, but unfortunately it doesn't stay connected properly. Each time I restart the car I have to delete the profile and re-pair it before it will connect. Has anyone else had those issues?
I have a friend with a 2010 Prius, and her phone (I don't know what kind) won't stay connected. My 3rd gen iPod Touch won't stay connected by Bluetooth to my Tesla's crummy Alpine stereo & nav unit, and won't connect to the iPod connector at all, though the new iPod nano connected to the iPod connector just fine, and lives in the car now. Apparently Bluetooth is kind of flaky that way.
The iPod Touch is basically an iPhone without the phone. Issues of Bluetooth connectivity should be similar.