I ordered a pair of Prius window shades on the PC store about 2 weeks ago - I have not received anything yet (other than an email confirmation of the order), I've received no tracking number, nor have I received any response to my query sent via the store's contact form... Just wondering if this was typical for the PriusChat store, and if not, who can I contact regarding the status of my order? Most online stores send out a tracking number within a couple of days of the order, then deliver my order within a couple days from that. Has anyone else had good/bad experiences with the Store? Any assistance in this matter would be much appreciated! - A Newbie
I've had several good experiences with the store, including easy return of a couple of things I changed my mind on once I saw them. They have a contact tab on their web page that leads to this Contact Us : PriusChat Shop it has a phone number and an email form. I believe most of their stuff is shipped directly from another vendor or maybe a manufacturer. That might account for some of the lapses in communication. You aren't the first to have your problem. I think they could work on their communications. Overall I have been very happy with them and it gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling to support Prius Chat. I will continue to do so.
Most people have a good experience but every once in a while we get threads exactly like this. Good luck.
Thanks xs659 (and all other replies)! You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the phone # - I missed it :^) I just received a response to my query - they sent me a tracking number, and it looks like it'll be delivered tomorrow - yay! Again - thanks all! - b