Interesting video... Prius driver complains to Diesel P/U driver: This should make for a nice long thread. Depending on your point of view, it could easily be titled, "Wrong Message, Right way to deliver it?"
I'm not sayin' that Roseanne would ever need backup, but it's probably a good thing that Dan didn't get out of the car.
"Prius Hate" just gotta love it. Someone should have pointed out to the lady in the video that if she were to shave some of the 4000 excess calories that she's obviously consuming every day or so, this would also help our fragile little planet out...
Totally inexcusable, and an embarrassment to Prius drivers everywhere. The truck's occupants were very well restrained, under the circumstances. Well, at least while the camera was running. And yes, it would appear questionable as to who's got the bigger footprint.
I disagree with OP. Wrong message, but right way to deliver such a wrong message. If I decide to start a bonfire in my back yard (which will release much more dangerous particles than the lifetime of my diesel) and she came along, she would become the center piece of the fun.
That's so funny that lady was crossing the line big time. The couple was actually even being calm. Just because she has a prius doesn't make her the Eco police.
The video might be 100% legit, but I get the impression that it might be staged/faked/acted. Not sure that it proves anything more than the fact that there are rude and impolite people in the world. I'm pretty sure we all already knew that. Some may choose to purchase a Prius, some may choose to purchase a diesel truck.
makes me embarrassed for the non-evolved that the rest of us put up with...every day. C'mon, idling an ICE is sooo played.
Footnote: This video was a hot topic a couple of months ago at CleanMPG, and nearly everyone there piled on against that woman and even felt for the diesel truck driver a bit. Still, a pack from a diesel truck forum came to troll on us??? Makes you wonder how mad these truck dudes would have been if we said: "You go girl!"
One thing suspicious about the video is the woman went by the door of her Prius (we think) and never unlocked it. The video never shows her getting out of that Prius either. So the video may be fraud.