Just got the dashboard light the indicates service needed lit up today. We bought this 2008 w/21k miles, and now are at 26k. Having had no one service the car in the past, I'm wondering if I can take it to my local guy (who says he can do basic Prius work), and have him use a software reader to diagnose the issue, and determine whether they can fix it or not. I'd like to avoid the dealer service if possible.
I believe the 3 yr 36k policy is still in effect. I would drop by the dealer and see what he says. If you don't like the answers, then look up a 3rd party mechanic!
If it just needs service, not code reader is needed. Reset instructions should be in the manual. Ordinary oil change service should easily be within the capabilities of your local service shop.
Probably just oil and filter? I wish Toyota would fallow what Honda does with their MM [maintenance minder]system. It tells you what service is required by numbers. Great for folks that are not into maintaining their own cars! Lots of local mechanics can handle our Prius's ! Hal
Have local mechanic change oil+filter and rotate tires. Request 3.5 quarts. Order air filters online for DIY, you probably need engine and cabin air filters. You can get two engine and two cabin air filters for a total $27 on Amazon. Float the idea with your mechanic of changing the transaxle fluid on the next visit -- it requires 4 quarts of ATF WS and 30,000 miles is an excellent time for the first change (then at 90K, 150K, etc). A dealer is not necessary for basic service, and is becoming less necessary for other stuff, though they are the only ones that can perform warranty repairs.
Changing the oil and filter only takes 15 minutes, no need to pay a "Stealership" or local "Conmatic".
Apparently Toyota's (not a dealer's!) Scheduled Maintenance Guide didn't come with the car? If so see here: Toyota Parts and Service A reliable sober independent is fine. I'd avoid the kids at Kwicky Loob. (And, three quarts of oil is plenty. Always check the dipstick before you leave. It's very easy to overfill a Prius.)