Hey guys, newb here. Im in high school currently looking around for a first car. I thought about taking my dads 2004 f150 but with gas prices the way they are I'd rather not. Im a guy so for one thing, I know for a fact that some of my friends think the prius is a girl car, but I accually like the way they look. Currently looking at a 2005 model with 105K, and other like years. So, what do you guys think about a teenage guy driving a Prius? Thanks! :rockon:
Well, we're obviously going to think it's a good choice. I didn't drive anything particularly "manly" in high school and somehow I got by.
Use the money you save in gas to buy the occasional mod and laugh at your less wise friends when they have no money because they spent it on gas and filled the pockets of greedy CEOs and terrorists. Better yet, invest the money you save and put it towards a higher education. FWIW many of the rodeo stars in my area are now parking their trucks and driving small economical cars like Prius, Focus, Civic, etc.. Girl cars? I'd love to see your friends say that to one of these guys. lol Y ou'reon the right track. Don't let their opinions sway you. Most of the "cool kids" from high school are now overweight losers with mediocre jobs. Forge your own path and don't worry about what they think.
I can see the dilemma and it would be easy for us to say "who cares what others think" but if I had a chance back in HS to drive my prius now, I certainly would have. I drove a rusted out 63 Ford one ton utility truck... hardly a crowd-pleaser.
If you drive the F150, you be just like every other redneck. If you drive the Prius, you'll be progressive and get more girls.
Girl car? you mean it gets the girls? j/k. I don't see an issue. Right now, I'm driving as I see fit because I don't have to worry about gas prices (we pay close to $4.50-$5/gal up here) but I still drive light (only 15,000km//9,400mi including a 3,000km/2,000mi round trip each year back home... so really it's 12,000km/7,500mi a year driving around locally). The extra money saved is fantastic and it means I can fly home more often to see my friends and family than if I had a gas guzzler.
Im a dude and i started driving in 2007 My first car was a 2004 Black prius it was an amazing car I drove the shit out of it. I only had it for a short while but I never got any crap about it and I lived in BFE Oklahoma. I got my brand new scion xb after that and it was the best car ever and it did me wonder. Last week I traded it in for my brand new Prius and i feel great about it.
If you are paying for the vehicle, you don't need approval from anyone. You want a Prius? Get a Prius.
I kinda hate to say this, but I've unexpectedly found that my Prius is a bit of a chick magnet. BTW, your friends are douchebags. Did you have other concerns about the Prius? It drives just like any other car. Maintenance should actually be less frequent than a pure gasoline car, although your choice of mechanics may be limited.