Date Ordered: 4/20/04 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): City Toyota - Great Falls, MT Timeframe given for delivery: About 6 weeks Color: Any color but silver Option Package: #7 or #9 So Im in Cali, and just looked around for dealerships, saw a post on the Dealers page for the Great Falls, MT people and they hooked me up. Two days ago I called them, they told me about a 6 week wait, which was great. Today they called with a car at port, white #9 at MSRP, and it should be arriving at the end of April. Call Denis at City Toyota and let him help you out too!
Since I ordered from Montana, Im trying to find a reliable shipping company to get the car to California. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks. Rebecca
Another member who purchased his car from WY had his shipped to SF via FedEx. They have a ground auto service that ships cars in an enclosed truck; its not exposed on a typical carrier and subject to rocks, etc. I believe his cost was about $750.
Looks like my White #9 gets in on Tuesday, so I will be flying out to Salt Lake and driving the 9 hours up to Great Falls and then back down to SLC. Ive got family to drive with from there, and it saves tremendously on flying into Great Falls. So on Thursday, I will have my Prius! Rebecca
Its here, Its here!! I just got the phone call. My White #9 with Ivory Interior has arrived. I am flying out to Salt Lake and driving up to Great Falls to pick it up on Friday. Then me and the new Prius will be enjoying a 1200 mile trip back to Southern California. This is a great day!! First a car, then my birthday, then graduation from college. I knew I loved May for a reason. Rebecca