For a 2006 Toyota Prius I need two harness pieces the Orange HV wires that come out of the Inverter and go to the HVAC compressor. A front end wreck or a leftover from a modification would be the likely donor vehicles. The pieces will be used for a training component to be built that can be switched in and out of the vehicle. Please let me know if you have something to part with. Locating some stuff is like finding hen's teeth. I am a training aid fabricator for Portland Community College Auto Dept. in Portland Oregon and have lurked around the forum gleaning info from time to time. I am nearly done with a 2006 Prius training aid made to drop on a dyno and to be driveable/manuverable in a parking lot a slow speed as it is rather cobbed down and most safety systems are removed or bypassed. It operates as designed and has no error codes or dash board fault indicators. Here are a couple pics.
I am pretty sure I have those pieces on a broken inverter. Cheap. Call me or PM me and I'll check. Eric Adopt A Part 1-800-508-2211