Bethesda MD (DC Burbs) We own White 2004 AM since 13 Dec. I canvassed the entire area (150 mi radius) and I knew that the dealer within walking distance to my house would have 3 before Christmas and that a dealer in Northern VA (about 10 miles from my house) would also have availability before Christmas. My wife's 1990 Honda Civic "died" on December 11 and we needed a replacement immediately. I contacted the dealer in Northern Virginia on December 12 at 4pm and we due to luck....a cancellation of a previously ordered Prius, we drove home in our new car at 6pm on December 13. So far one tank of gas and the mileage was only 38.2 MPG, probably due to weather and very short driving distances. We also own a 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid and are averaging about 35 MPG.
I'll add a "me too" to the two hybrid family. I've got an '02 and an '04 Prius. My wife drives the '02. -Rick
Any reason why the mileage is so low in the Civic? I was able to get 30 mpg in my former Saturn VUE. 35 seems way off for even the Honda hybrid
I guess this car is in the "break in period"(picked it up the day after Thanksgiving) and most trips are under 5 miles so far.
We are now a two Hybrid Family Too! Just added a 2007 Limited Highlander Hybrid with Nav and Heated Leather seats! to our fleet that includes my 2005 Prius which I purchased new and now has 118000 trouble free miles. Just had the Prius serviced with Transmission fluid change, Coolant flush and change. New spark plugs and fuel system, injectors cleaned. Good for another 100000 miles!
We almost become a two Prius family, but my wife think having two same car is stupid, even with different colors. So we still keep my 98' Lexus LS400 for my wife's short commute. BTW, Toyota cars are so reliable and trouble free. Our 04' Prius just hit 150K, and the Lexus is already 176K. Both still drive like new.