Missed certified mail today from Toyota. Anybody know what it is? Kind of a pain to go to the post office during business hours to pick up.
Great! My wife loves her Prius V. I would love to have one as a daily driver as well, especially since it gets 3X the MPG’s of my ride.
Doubt it is a recall notice, I would think if it was a serious recall the dealer would be calling me. We took delivery a week ago today. I am guessing it is a survey or some sort of welcome kit. The certified part is throwing me for a loop.
"There is a high demand for used Toyotas, and we would like to give you this $2500 credit which you can combine with your Prius V trade-in towards the purchase of a new car!"
Ahh...just go jump in your new Prius and go pick it up. You know if you don't use the Post Office, the government is just going to close it down...
Looked at the card from the mail carrier again and realized our post office opens at 7:00 AM. I picked it up this morning on my way to work. It was the certificate of origin and title application from the dealer.
Got a FEDEX yesterday from Toyota Financial (I lease). When I transferred the car from Cali to NJ they put the car in my name! Sending the title to them today.