BlueTooth has some great features but....... My "Smart" Phone has both a nice MP3 player and GPS, both run as BlueTooth which for the most part is great. That said, I don't always get prefect or even really, really good reception always. I assume one reason is my car "antenna" is like outside the car in the back. Would I see (hear) improvement and is it possible to rig a dual antenna with a hidden unit in/below the dash? That way if I wanted, I could run my phone in MP3/GPS/Phone at times. Or even my "stand-alone" Garmin GPS with the MP3 function. I kind of like to listen to my tunes while driving and then having the unit "automatically" switch to it's GPS function or even phone when the need should arise on it's own. :cheer2: Truth is both my phone and my Garmin can do this BUT sometimes the reception is fuzzy. Seems that an additional (dual perhaps) antenna might help? That is, just add a "hidden" under dash antenna, perhaps with a "splitter" to increase the effect of my in the car equipment? Mind you, I don't know just how much trouble it is to get to the rear of the radio to accomplish this.
Let Me Explain---Re: Reception (boost) for Interior Broadcasts Sorry, I was not clear. I do not have the factory Bluetooth. I have my plain Jane Prius II with an aftermarket plug-in Bluetooth receiver that sends out an FM signal to my radio. So, either my HTC phone's Bluetooth or my Garmin (with MP3) are picked up then sent to my FM Radio and that signal is not always clear. It is normally decent but can get fuzzy, yes I could run a "line" to the AUX in but that plugs in the center consul and an extra wire, that is why I thought maybe an inside (under dash) antenna might pick up my Bluetooth TO my FM broadcast do-ma-hickey---sorry for adding to the confusion If it all works I get my incoming phone calls, MP3's and my GPS through my FM Radio which is handy for long road trips, not something I bother with day to day.
I get you, it's the strength of the FM signal that's the problem, nothing to do with the Bluetooth signal. The simplest fix would be to see if you can relocate your after market Bluetooth to FM unit towards the rear of the car. I'm guessing this is one of those that plugs in to the power socket, yes? If so, then maybe just fitting a power extension lead so that you can tuck the unit away somewhere further to the rear of the car might be enough to get you a good signal. I believe someone came up with a mod to allow an extra power socket to be fitted in one of the rear cubby holes. Something like that would probably be ideal, as the Bluetooth signal would be OK over that distance and the FM transmission to the car antenna would also be a lot better.
I get your point too but seems (if I could get easy access) that by using a splitter and having both the original antenna and adding another under/in the dash to pick up these secondary units for FM transmission should work. Again, no idea how hard it is to get to the rear of the radio/antenna
The problem with adding another FM antenna under the dash is that you'd massively increase the amount of interference from the car that gets in to the radio. The Prius is a tough environment for a radio, with a lot of high power electrical switching going on in the front, from the hybrid systems. This creates a lot of background noise that can cause radio reception problems if it gets into the antenna and then to the radio. Toyota got around this by having a radio that uses a preamplifier built in to the base of the antenna at the rear of the car. This makes the antenna sensitive enough to work, but means the radio doesn't need to be as sensitive up at the front of the car, improving its resistance to interference. The antenna is deliberately placed right at the back of the car so that it's a long way from the electrical noise generating components at the front, and screened by the roof to some extent, but even this isn't perfect. One consequence is that FM reception in weak signal areas tends to be poor, as noted in another log thread here.
Thanks all for the help. I actually moved the unit into the arm rest area and that really helped reception. That said it is not a good location as I need to push a button for phone calls. After looking at the armrest set up and seeing what was available I ordered a Belkin Aircast Bluetooth. This one does not have the FM but an AUX plug which in the case of the Prius is also in the armrest area so basically all the wires will be concealed with just the mic/control button out. I will see how it works, with todays "Smart Phones" I got music, GPS (free and Google is pretty good, at least around town so far) oh yes and my phone. The Bluetooth/FM under the center console was easy to use but clearly (well not clearly) the reception to my radio was poor at times. I think this will work with my Garmin unit too for road trips. Although I really do like Google Maps although the voice is more annoying but not sure just how much "data" I will chew up with my AT&T plan, kind of new to the fancy phone world. I will see how this all works out and if anyone should care I'll post an opinion. Thanks again