Yes! Under relentless pressure from, well, SCADS of PCers, I've agreed to oversee PC's First Annual Avatar Of The Year Contest. Da rules are simple. 1. Post here to nominate an avatar that's cool and groovy. Heh. If you must, explain yourself. 2. Around Christmas, depending on how fast this thread sinks into oblivion, I'll peruse all posts (yet again) and put up a ::chokes:: poll. It will probably contain five Finalists. But you can't hold me to that. See (3) and (4) below. 3. Wannabe nominees should get their acts together mucho soono and put up a Truly PC-worthy avatar, one capable of challenging maggieddd's "Penguins in Repose". 4. See? If enough people here have "PC spirit", I might have to put up MORE than five Finalists. 5. NO NOMINATING YOUR OWN AVATAR. Well, OK, you can if you want. 6. Submissions from checkstand tabloids at the last minute will not be acceptable. 7. Mystery Squid may or may not be declared ineligible. 8. Bill Merchant. OK? On your mark...get set...
I nominate maggieddd for the slap-a-penguin avatar are there animal cruelty rules in force for this contest? Oh, and if I can nominate two, you've got to love Bill Merchant's
10. Sorry, one nomination to a customer. 10 (a). You can TALK about other avatars, that is, er, RUMINATE and SPECULATE about 'em, such as, "geez, if we didn't have the penguins, that sappy Bill Merchant forehead stunt might have a chance"...
Well then let me just say that it is some combo of the look on Bill's face and the HSD slapped on the forehead that gives me a chuckle every time. Especially since the post that goes along with it is usually chock-full of more Prius info than they have at Toyota HQ
Not to dis maggiedd, but she did not make that avatar, only found it. I saw that one quite awhile ago. Correct me if I am wrong!
Well, thank God for that! By Xmas, we'll probably be running low on those things. :lol: Anyway, I think we need to disregard whether or not the avatar was made by the member. Either that or we're going to need two polls; one for original avatars and another for avatars that were found elsewhere.
Oops, I now see I skipped from Rule # 8 to 10, with no 9. I'll have to make up another rule and sneak it in there. Yes, there's more to Bill than meets the eye.
Don't think I'm the Jeff you know.......there's a few of us around My avatar is just something picked up off the web somewhere. Having little kids myself it cracked me up.
No, I don't know ANY Jeffs. Just taking a little poetic license with you, so's I could say, "old bean", which I haven't said in years! :huh:
Does the avatar have to smell like "PC Spirit"? Are you suggesting that Bill is some kind of Transformer? :huh: I KNEW IT! The guy from Alaska with the LOL, OMG, Wth gas price avatar. That's my vote.
Hologram? Transformer? Cold fusion byproduct? Subliminal, implanted vision, a la "Close Encounters"? Bill, it may be time for you to step forward and reveal your, er, essence.
What I want to know is, did the penguin knock the other penguin down of its own volition, in which case it's a legitimate nature film, or did Maggie put on a penguin suit and knock the real penguin down in order to get the video, in which case it's cruelty to animals and I'm gonna report her to PETA.
Which penguin is the second one? The one getting knocked on its face, or the one doing the knocking? And is the one doing the knocking a real pengiun or Maggie in a penguin suit? Because if it's Maggie, there is no second penguin. Unless you count the two in the background, in which case there are either 3 or 4 penguins, depending on the bona fides of the penguin in question.