Bob Lutz Forecast: Lutz is at it again... notice his assertions about quality (starting around 3:20),that "you cannot buy a bad car anymore", and that you'd have to own a fleet of 1000-2000 cars to detect the differences in quality. Then, he praises the Cruze. Well, in the Dec '11 issue of Consumer Reports, the Cruze 1.4T then the 1.8 were the two most unreliable small cars and if you have a CR online account, you'll see that both were rated much worse than average. The 1.4T was 50% worse than average and the other was ~62% worse than average.
Say it ain't so. A Chevrolet econobox with questionable reliability? I just don't believe it! -- Seriously, though, when the site is up again I'd like to see some of those figures.
It's a brilliant future if every few decades or so you can count on taxpayer funded bailouts, employ bankruptcy which wipes out mounting debt, use questionable accounting to show profits, and have the ability to carry forward losses which eliminates tax liabilities.
Dude is scary. Did he say Cruze is America's best selling car? No it's not. Camry is America's best selling car. Maybe he means best selling car made in America? IDK.
yea . . . not exclusively . . . but lots of its pieces are And I think his retirement paycheck was printed in the U.S. althought the toner, paper, and envelope came from somewhere else.
That's sincerely funny. Maybe it's a new Chevrolet marketing approach? Try Us. Try a Cruze,-'s ALL GOOD! If he thinks you cannot buy a bad car anymore? He isn't trying hard enough. I have a lot of Dodge owning friends that would beg to differ...