i was quoted $3000 down, and $599 a month, last week for one... thats why i asked.. and yes i saw this in the other forum.
Note this "deal" is only 10k miles per year and 25cents thereafter. I'm very happy with the lease I got back in March.
I think if you walk in there, and are not trading in a vehicle to lease the Volt that you could easily walk out of there for $349 a month... I wanted our truck gone as I did not want to pay insurance on it for it to just sit in the driveway. So I wound up putting $2500 down. I wouldn't feel comftorable not putting money down. It makes me think they will clobber you on the backside.... I made sure of that when I signed my lease that at the end if I want I can just turn the keys over, and pay for any damage that I may cause. With only 10,000 miles though you can EASILY overdrive that even using the 110 charging.. With the 12,000 lease I get 230 miles a week which is more than plenty. Especially since after I move I will only have a 5 mile drive to work instead of 11. For me that is the only downside of the lease is not being able to drive the car as far as I want. BUT the benefit is if the battery winds up being crap I will not be stuck either trying to get rid of the car, or paying $14,000 for a new one.
Tim, when I leased my Volt their was some confusion. Apparently there is a lease program through GM for the Volt that is not the same as their typical dealer leases. Regardless, I would not accept the deal offered, you can do much better. A Volt advisor should be able to straighten out the dealer or find you a dealer with a more reasonable lease.
Ahh I see the deal that I got is causing quite a stir. I was wary of some hidden cost or the dealer coming back and saying the car was sold to deny me the deal but it never happened. I actually came across that deal while reading the LA Times auto ads online, with zero intention of getting a car that morning. I got that deal two Sundays ago. The offer they had this past weekend was not as sweet. $369/mo for an MSRP that is about $2k less than the car I got, I think that equated to Polished wheels ($595), backup camera ($695), and Viridium Joule paint ($995). I know a sticking point for many is the 10k miles per year. For me it is not an issue at all. I ride my bicycle to work first and taking the bus is the second option. I split time between driving my Volt and Prius for nights and weekends so the mileage allowance is plenty for me.
Nonetheless, an excellent deal. I'm inclined to thin kit's "real" in that by the time you get to the dealership those cars' vins are already gone. That said, I got a vehicle earlier this year from a weekly ad like that including the marked vin and it was still available. Got an excellent price on it indeed. 10k/year is fine. $349/month even at 10k/year on a Volt is by far the best deal I've seen and if you were in the market for one you'd want to pounce on that immediately. Only by calling the dealership can you know. My guess is the deal is long since gone, even with the thread only 3 days old. Great, so you got this? Excellent price, but you already knew that. It really was an absolutely great price on this car.
The lease works for me, that being said, I would never ever buy the Volt. At $42k it is pretty overpriced. Even with the $7,500 incentive, I would still want a few more thousand off before I would even considering buying one. I figure this will be a good car for the next three years for the rate I am paying. By then newer technologies will probably be out and we might see a proliferation of the hybrid/plug-in/ev market.
Can't find $350.00/month with $2,500.00 down anywhere. Click on "VOLT". It's $399.00/mos. Chevrolet Deals, Offers and Specials | Chevrolet
I would go for a test drive if a dealer would honor the $350.00/month with $2,500.00 down for a base model. If you put down $10,000($7500.00 tax credit+$2,500.00 lease down payment) in the lease calculator, monthly payment comes to $372.36/mos with Ally Bank. http://auto.ally.com/payment-calculator/en/GM/chevrolet/calculator.do#
I see that. Came to 375.18 in my zip. BUT I wrote to a few local dealers about the 350.00 Mo Lease. Some answered and said they have no idea But most did not even answer.
http://www.atlanticchevrolet.com/VehicleSearchResults?&search=new Neal Diamond Atlantic Chevrolet Bayshore , NY 11706 631-665-0002 Shipping Available # 1 Volt Sales in the USA NEW LEASE SPECIAL @ ATLANTIC CHEVROLET BAYSHORE NEW YORK .
Thanks! That's about a 3 hour drive from me. I did copy the offer and emailed 2 dealers near me asking if they would match the offer. Also, I am a country boy and this dealer is in THE Big City. I Hope I can trust them.
Too Bad We couldn't just buy or lease direct with Ally Bank. Than we could go to any dealer and get the deal.