Is $26,639.31, which includes tax, title, and lic seem good on a Prius II? The options included are: Special color Floor mats rear bumper protector spider net vehicle shield The prices around Houston are crazy, compared to what I've seen on here for other Prius II's.
When you post pricing, you should NOT include out the door numbers. Rather, because all 50 states have different tax and license and doc fees and title fees, no one can give you very good advice. Go with the selling price ONLY - and the fees are what they are!
In california, i got mine for $23500 before taxes. But some people are getting it for ~$22700. The 2012 should be coming around december, so you might want to hold off at that price.
Sorry about posting OTD price. The car is listed at 25,300, yet I was quoted 24,7 due to AAA pricing. I have looked at sites like edmunds and truecar, and the price was slightly below MSRP. I'm still shopping around, so hopefully I can find something better out there.
Going through the same thing in Dallas, wish we were closer to Diane. Dealer one, when asked about price, kept pointing to the red P3 with leather, that we test drove, and saying about the same as that - 28,600. Used the Costco connection referral to another dealer (Ft Worth), who said the Costco markup was 3% but he would do it for 'cost'. Came up with a P2 for 26,052 with leather, tint, mats, net, and rear protector. P3 with same options was 26,395. No breakdown but when asked about homelink, claimed cost was 306 - see below. The fleet manager at dealer 3, where I bought my Tacoma years ago, gave me a vehicle inquiry sheet that showed P2 base 21,403, 2563 in delivery costs, hold backs, reserves, etc, and added 129 'profit'. Options were at dealer cost ie: leather 999, fog lights 255, mirror/homelink 210. Or 24,095 + ttl and options. I know we are supposed to ignore the hold backs but I want blue/beige and there are not many around. #3 is higher than Dianne but shipping, or the CA tax vs. Texas, wipes out most of the savings. So I either buy the one my wife and I like best or wait for a Dianne special and get a second choice color. I did find out that Dallas, and probably the Gulf States group, now has 0.9% for 36 months, 1.9% for 48 months, and the same 2.9% for 60 months. Cal
The prices around the Texas seem a bit high. I'm not sure I would willing to spend 24K for a base model II. I've been looking at used as well, and found two 2010 III's for around $23,900, with less than 20K miles. Now I was able to get both dealers to drop the price to $22,000, but the only issues are it's used, and I kind of wanted new. Plus I want blizzard pearl paint job, but the two used are silver and black.
Situation on the east coast is better. I just bought a 2011 Prius II with 5 miles for $21700 before tax and tags. $21700 is net of all dealer fees so it's a "true" sell price. Only thing extra was VA tax and registration. This purchase was made on 10/28. The car came with floor mats and blulogic hands-free accessory.
For informational purposes; Today's San Diego newspaper lists 5 Toyota dealers selling new 2011 Prius II's Lowest $20,900 and change (wow) 3 Selling $21,700-21,900 and another $22,300 highest. Here you can definitely deal on the 2011's I am from Texas originally and I have found it "difficult" to find the color/package/price I was looking for. When I bought my 2009 (In S.D.) the dealership I bought from had over 100 on their lot and I got exactly what I wanted under invoice . By the way, when my "Texas" family visits me here, they are amazed at the amount of Prius on the road and relative lack of pick up trucks.
What dealer did you buy from in San Diego....I am from that area and those are great prices for a Prius 2....Thanks!
I bought my 2 just a few days ago for 21.3k (plus my zip codes taxes) I live in southern ca, but flew to northern ca for $59 and bought it there. cheaper and fantastic service at Toyota of San Fran. I thought there was no car sales tax in tx?
21,342 on a 2011 Prius II with floor mats, bumper sticker aplique and premium color (these add 500 to the sticker). No loyalty or military discount. Plus it has the Goodyear tires with 540 treadware rating and not the garbage yokos with a 280 treadware.
That is a really good price. Is that in SD? ETA: I just looked up SD's zip on truecar, and the base is for 22k, so that is an excellent price for all those added things!!!
Ventura County. MSRP is 24,769. About 1,600 below invoice. Shame I didn't qualify for the 500 Military or 750 Loyalty rebates.