I'm the lucky owner of a Prius since April 1th. [Broken External Image]:http://mypage.bluewin.ch/sylko/prius_sylko.jpg
Congratulations. My family and I are big skiers. I am licking my chops looking at that background. Guess yours has an EV button and 16" wheels. The wheels look great. What brand and size are your tires?
> eak354 Hawaii is also a beautiful place. We could exchange our apartment and our car for nice holidays.
Congratulations! When you ordered your car? I guess you got demo car from your garage they received in January, right? Another thing it's interesting to know how Prius is behaving on the mountain roads (uphill, downhill). I guess from Aigle to Villars it consumes a lot. Does it compensated on the way down? Share your experience, please...
No, I was just very lucky... and I made pressure with a revolver. It was not a demo car. I waited 2 weeks to have it. I could not choose the color, but it was perfect in blue. Of course, I consume more in the rise to Villars, but when I go down to Aigle, I reload the batteries. I work in Lausanne and I take the highway. I consume on average 5.4 l/100 km (50 mpg). But that change a lot, if i'm late or not. :lol:
First delivery to customers according to Toyota Switzerland started on April 18. All Priuses before that were delivered in Jan-Feb (1-2 for every garage) specifically as demo/test drive cars. Anyway, you're lucky guy. 8) Sylko, I would be glad to have more details about Prius behaviour on the mountain road/snow. My guess you're getting 12+ l/100km on the way up? It's not a problem for me as my main car is BMW 330d Touring, but some of my friends are considering Prius, but are afraid that to go up to the mountains in winter fully loaded - mission impossible for this kind of car. I think also that Lausanne-Villars cycle is not very good for break-in period. BTW how about Glion tunnel bottleneck? Drives you crazy? :cussing:
[Broken External Image]:http://mypage.bluewin.ch/sylko/imnuit.jpg I confirm that my Prius was new. It had 24 kilometers with the meter. I cannot give more details here. :wink: I tested a Prius in March on snow and the handling was very good. With snow tires, I am certain that there will be, no problems next winter. I am already in Villars, but I will control consumption tomorrow. The break-in period is significant for which reason? It seems that it's not necessary anymore with new cars. There is no problem with Glion. Everybody takes the train. :lol: And my schedules of work are flexible
Read your manual, Sylko. Break-in is still important and it makes a lot of difference in terms of further fuel consumption and trouble-free life of the car. You can find a lot of info about break-in period at this forum too. Regarding Glion: are you taking train too?
I obviously paid attention with the engine. Currently, i pass 5000 kilometers (3107 mi) and I start to drive my Prius normally. In the morning, I always wait until the engine is hot before i go. I don't travel by train. The last bus for Villars leaves too early, in the evening.
Greetings from America. Wow, what a beautiful Village. It makes me want to strap on my skis and head for the mountain! Contratulations on your car. Today I hope to find out if mine has been allocated.
Yes, Villars is a beautiful ski resort. It's located at 1300 meters (4265 ft) in front of the Mont-Blanc in France (higher mountain in Europe). Villars website Which color you chose for your Prius?[/url]
The official results! :lol: Altitude Aigle: 415 meters (1362 ft) Villars: 1300 meters (4265 ft) For the rise: 12,3 l/100 (19.12 mpg) for 12 kilometers (7.456 mi) With the descent: 7 l/100 (33.6 mpg) for 24 kilometers (14.91 mi) But it was cold and i drive in the night. I think it's difficult to obtain better results when you drive on mountain roads. :?
The car I have on order is a Red Salsa #9 package. It was just allocated yesterday and should be in by the end of the month. What is the closest ski resort to you? Thanks.
The slope arrive just in front of my door. We can also ski in the summer, up in the glacier. The ski map
Nice map. Wow, skiing in the summer. That would be a hoot. I'm actually torn between the red and the blue. I think the blue is beautiful but I just had a blue car. I wanted to try something different.
And I assume, you was alone in the car with no luggage. I hope it'll improve after break-in period. However, I would not take a risk to go to the mountains with the whole family and luggage in the car. Battery will be discharged after few km, and it'll be too much stress for the Prius miniscule engine. Coolant will boil, probably too. You may consider to trade your Prius for hybrid Highlinder (called Land Cruiser in Europe) when it'll be available next year here. Prius is good in the city, that was my idea for a second car. And it could be that my 215 bhp BMW 330d Touring will beat Prius mileage at Aigle-Villars-Aigle cycle. I'll try when I go next time to Villars.
Although one might argue that the Prius is not an ideal car for the conditions you describe it's certainly adequate. The 'miniscule' ICE is the same that is in the Toyota Echo (essentially) and can maintain speeds in the steepest portions of the Rocky Mountains in the US of ~50mph even with the battery drained. If you do a lot of mountain climbing this wouldn't be my car of choice, but to suggest it isn't adequate for the job isn't accurate. --evan
I work in Lausanne. It's everyday 110 km (68.35 mi) and the consumption goes down to 5.3 l/100 (44.38 mpg). The guarantee for this hybrid system is 8 years. I don't worry I would be an excellent tester. I will propose my service to Toyota. :lol: Now, when I see that the battery is emptied too much, I stop in the midle of the rise and I walk a little or I take some pictures. :wink: Or it would be an excellent excuse to invite hitch-hikers and stop for a while until the engine is less hot. :lol: If I bought this Prius it's not for always observe the display, in order to know how much I consume. PS: sorry for my primitive english :wink:
This is the International forum, you are more than welcome to type in your native tongue - we can always go to babelfish and translate it