Ok. I think I know the answer, but my dealer send me a note today saying that all recommended manufacturer's scheduled maintenance MUST be performed at his dealership to be in compliance with No Charge Lifetime Warranty. is he full of shit?
Did you work out a deal with ur dealer on this No Charge Lifetime Warranty thing? Is this written somewhere on your paperwork?
G-I-M-M-I-C-K, I would love to see your paperwork on the car deal if that is the way your dealer chooses to do business.
Dealer generated, business creating obfuscation. If you don't have extended warranty documentation, you don't have an extended warranty. Any dealer can do any warranty service for you. Any dealer or any shop can do maintenance service. Even you can do maintenance service. You always have a choice of where to have your vehicle serviced and you can go to any dealer for warranty service.
I don't care what their paper says. Any dealer who says that unless you get service with them, your car warranty is voided is flat out lying (at worst) or is twisting words (at best).
There's only two warranties I'm aware of: 1) the standard car warranty that comes with a new car. 2) an extended warranty (usually purchased through the dealer where the car is bought). But in either case, these warranties are with Toyota, not your local dealer.
Hey, hold on a minute folks! If the dealer wants to give their own “No Charge Lifetime Warranty†all the more power to them. But I would definitely want to see the terms in writing. If you think about it, it may just make sense for the dealer - after all, it is TOYOTA cars we are talking about. 1) The dealer is guaranteeing that all recommended manufacturer's scheduled maintenance comes to their shop. 2) The new car warranty covers the dealer for the first several years too. 3) The dealer would be a strong advocate to “shame†Toyota into covering out of warranty repairs - and would probably be quick to "repair" questionable items while under warranty. 4) I doubt it covers abuse/misuse . . . which could boil down to, "sorry, you missed a scheduled service period." 5) The average American does not drive their car into the ground. They tend to trade-up to a newer car well before their car is unreliable. For Toyota, that is a long time. I would imagine this warranty only covers the original owner. 6) “Lifetime†is probably defined as the expected life of the car. It will be interesting to hear about the actual terms of this deal.
There is actually a federal law named after one of Washington’s own Senators. For the regular and extended warranty you can get routine work anywhere or do it your self if you document it! I have heard of other deals that individual dealers have done. The lifetime tire comes to mind. Check it out with the dealer but for the routine warranty you are covered.
Its all bulls*it to tie maggieddd to their service department. The dealer does have "extended warranty" at their discretion, at least on the domestics, but I can't imagine a dealer would use that as a selling point for their service department. Bad choice of dealers Maggieddd.
Please let us know what the dealer's documentation says about this. It could be valuable, but then why didn't they make it a selling point?