Hello everyone, I did a search and I could not find anything, but i bet it's there... Also not sure if this is in the correct forum... I put my Keys in my GF's bag and sometimes she takes them, which is a problem. Where can I buy a new smart key without spending a ton of money? Thanks!!!
I bought mine from the dealer. $200 for the key. $100 to program it. I know that's not cheap but I'm not sure there are any other options available.
The dealer is your safest option. Shop different dealers as they may differ in price. You will need to take the Prius to the dealer to have the car programmed to accept the new fob. The car is programmed not the fob.
If you buy one on eBay, to save a few bucks, often the smart functions can not be reprogrammed. It turns on how many times its rolling code function has been run. That said, you can always have it programmed to work 'dumb' ... ie as a fob where you just stick it in the slot.