I purchased the kit from our on-board shop. They are listed (I think) as Fog/Driving lights and further, it does say a broad and far reaching beam. I like them and they put out alot of light. I always run them in the day for bad weather and I like them to light up the night, seems I get that you got your high beams on flash from on-coming traffic at times. I don't want to be annoying yet I like a bit hotter lights which sometimes are assumed to be brights. That said, when I light it all up Hi/Low and Driving/Fog Lamps the Prius is blinding to on-coming traffic but great out on a lonely stretch of highway late at night and helps me pick up little critters eyes so they don't become a bump in the night. However, I'm not too handy and had them mounted by a shop, (not the dealer) so I wonder if they may be aimed too high? I do have my first "Dealer" 5,000 mile review/wheel rotate so I wonder if there is a proper test/adjustment so I can have my lights and be polite. Fact is, I do take long overnight drives that cover many miles way out in the country so animals are a big concern. I had upgraded "bulbs" in my Honda but the Prius lights do a good job and these Fog/Driving Lights seem to reach and give good peripheral light too.
Yes, there is an aiming procedure. It is covered in my document. Follow the Fog Light link in my signature.
Spiderman, could you update the pdf to show the actual steps for aiming the lights to DOT specs? I know how to do it but some people may not understand that they need to measure the center point of the light housing then mark the wall (25 ft away) 2" lower than the measurement they took on the light housing, etc..
Spiderman and FL8 thanks, I found it, read the instructions and think when I go into the dealer for my 5,000 visit I'll see if they are so warm, fuzzy and wonderful as they said they would be when selling me the car. I was reading that "other" post on the "Yellow" light covers. In my wasted youth Fogs were always in yellow, not to mention having a bit of extra protection to the lens couldn't hurt. Did not notice where to get them from but will look, guess that's not something "we" sell.
If the dealer wont do it then report back and we'll help you out. The process is easy but finding a blank wall that is in a dark area and where you can park 25ft away is the hard part.
Plan B, assuming the low beams are properly adjusted..... Find a convenient dark wall, measure or mark where the low beams shine. Measure how far (on the car) the fog lights are mounted below the low beams. Adjust the fog lights so they shine that far below the low beams.
If you hook the fog lights up according to the diagram and hardware that comes with the kit, the fog lights will be on with both the low beams and high beams. If you use the fog lights correctly, in fog conditions, then you should not have the high beams on anyway. In order to have them switch off with the high beams you would have to add another relay that is connected to the high beam signal wire and switch the fog lights off when the high beams come on. Some on here have added the second relay to do this.
100% Agreed. I've failed PA inspections because my aux (I added) lighting didn't function as with the use of the highs. I added the relays, like you mentioned, and it went off without a hitch. My wife's Suzuki factory fogs cut out with the highs. My post was directed to the OP who mentions they were all on at the same time.