More Delays For 2012 Toyota Prius Hybrid: Thai Floods Force Toyota To Slow Production If i'm reading this right, plug-in production may be impacted.
IMO it sounds like Prius supply for the Asian market is impacted as Toyota shifted production from Japan. AFAIK parts content for the Prius is still 100% Japanese but I haven't seen a 2012 window sticker.
Actually The Original Post at Edmunds that was deleted was more informative. Read it here: Thailand Flooding Hits Toyota In North America - AutoObserver
If you meant your other post, it wasn't deleted, it was closed because this thread existed first and it's about the same topic. No big deal... Thanks for coming and posting the link here
Has Toyota or the Prius Team confirm or deny possible Plug-in Prius production delays due the floods?
At the risk of beating a dead horse, which was done in an earlier life as a tv news photog, i thought i'd post this link to show the serious effect which the Thai flooding is having not only on Japanese manufacturing, but perhaps globally as well. Tokyo Temporarily Takes in Thai Workers - Southeast Asia Real Time - WSJ These disruptions are a lot bigger than the plug-in we're all jonesing for.
Why don't automakers build plants in the Central United States and Europe, instead of continuing to build on the Ring of Fire? No typhoons, no tsunamis, little to no earthquakes. When was the last time you heard of Detroit or European production being hit by a tsunami or typhoon or earthquake?