Another formerly active CF member, having owned a C3 and C5. Nice C2 you had there. In my book, vettes are NOT redneck rides. F-bodies, well, they go together with mullets.
Another former CF forum member. I think I was F8lz71 or F8LC5 on that one. I mostly posted at LS1tech because the '00 T/A and the Z71 were the race vehicles and the C5 was for cruising. I hope you didn't sell the old ride! Here is my old Vette.
Yeah, it's gone. I've been there, done that, got the tshirt. Really enjoying my current dalliance with this modern car technology. i'm getting as big a kick out of my prius as I did from my classic cars. It's a brave new world.
Indeed it is. It's hard trying to get people to understand that the Prius is fun to drive. It's just fun in a different way. Although I have to say that after lowering mine it feels alot like the C5 (minus the HP) under normal driving conditions. The C5 was lowered too.
You're right, it's only a redneck ride when I'm driving it. Imagine what our old CF brothers would say if they knew we switched to hybrids. They'll wise up eventually. :decision:
AUTO Off only. Automatic headlights have been added for 2012 on Four and Five models. Chapter 7 in the navigation manual. It takes up the entire section but it's worth a read at least once so you can learn how to properly position the car (if you don't use the Pre-Support function... i.e. the button to the right of the steering wheel) as well as get more uses out of it (e.g. parking on an uphill or a curved road). Sweet ride!
I unfortunately don't have such a neat gadget in my Prius. had a pretty cool demo video.
Re: Just brought my 1st Prius home yesterday Since you say you have a '09 Prius, this will work to shut off the reverse beep. (Copied from another thread. It won't work for 2010 and up.) How to Shut Off the Beeping when Transmission is in Reverse. 1. Power on the car to IG-ON or READY. IG-ON will do for this purpose. 2. Using the Trip/ODO button, set the Trip/ODO display to ODO (not Trip A or Trip B) 3. Power off the car. 4. Now power the car to READY (brake on). This is required so that step 6 works correctly. 5. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more. 6. WHILE STILL HOLDING ODO *after* the 10 seconds, shift the "gear" selector from P to R, then back to P. Now release the Trip/ODO button. 7. If the last step was successful, "b on" or "b off" should be displayed in the location where the Trip Odometer or Odometer is normally displayed. "b on" is beep on, and "b off" is beep off. 8. Press Trip/ODO to toggle the mode. 9. Now power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 10. Power the car on to READY and confirm the reverse beep status by shifting to R. The beep should not be audible if "b off" was selected, and should be audible if "b on" was selected This will work if you follow the directions carefully. Note: If the battery is disconnected at any time, the reverse beep will have to be reselected to shut it off again as it will automatically revert to “beep on†mode.
I'll consider the goal fully achieved when coach is complaining that his wife keeps borrowing his Prius.