I've been researching getting a Prius for a couple weeks now, and am pretty much set on buying one. But while I'd really _like_ to have one, I don't absolutely _need_ one right now. So I'm starting to wonder, should I get on a wait list for an '04, or wait to see what the '05 looks like? My friend has a classic Prius, which is what got me looking at them in the first place. And while I haven't actually been in an '04, the jump in design and technology seems staggering. Just wondering how much of an improvement might be coming in '05? Battery performance? 0-60 time? Fuel efficiency? Price? Which leads me to my other concern. Does anyone think Toyota might increase the price for '05? If anyone knows for sure that they are, I'm calling dealers tomorrow. Thanks for the help!
we already know that the price has increased slightly though i think that was for 2004's as well ($300). other threads on this board have suggested that no other major changes are expected. maybe colors.
Sidenote, I am in Bethesda too. Anyway...the price will go up for the '05 without question and I am not really hearing any buzz on upgrades, probably a new nav disc. Thing is though, if you order from a local DC dealer you will be getting an '05 anyway since the waiting lists are so long around here. Keep in mind Toyota shuts down the '04 factory in June to retool for the '05s. If you are willing to drive 6 hours, I can get you an '04 before the summer is out. I highly reccomend the dealer I used in WV.
It's a pretty sure bet that it will be. I have installed my XM radio from Jon August's company priusxm.com and have been completely satisfied with the results. The radio itself is made for Toyota and the cable for it simply plugs into the open connection on the back of the standard AM/FM radio. Gotta have my daily dose of Deep Tracks XM40
Having scanned the news and PriusChat for the last couple of months, the important thing is: So Far, Nobody Knows Anything About the '05 Models. That said, and IMO, here's a few probabilities: will be any significant changes in the model. Redesigns cost money, and the manufacturer wants to recoup as much from the '04 design as possible. New colors are more likely. The Prius Classic had a couple of colors added over its lifespan. They were usually announced in June. I don't know if something like XM radio might get added. Seems within the realm of possibility; sometimes, things like this get added "across the board" -- i.e., to all of a manufacturers cars in production. As to cost, no idea; I could believe that, with the demand, Toyota might add a couple $100 more to the MSRP. But I don't see them doing anything drastic, like up it $1K or more. However, I'm just guessing -- someone who has experience with the auto market could give you real info, and real odds, on the situation. ------ I think the wait is still the big issue. I used to think that by late 2005, Prii production would have ramped up, and demand would have settled down, and you'd be able to buy a Prius below MSRP. And that, if you had the patience (I don't), that this would be the way to go. However, I'm tracking gas prices for the vanpool I'm in, and they just go up and up and up... Which is going to cause demand to keep going up, and the waiting lines will get longer. So I don't know if the "wait for 2005" is a smart scenario any longer.
Well, after reading through dozens and dozens of threads on this site (and shooting my sleeping schedule to hell), I'm starting to consider going "out of region" to find a Prius. That is, if I want to get one. I know all the local Washington-area stores have basically said "we can put you on our list, in the mean time, can we interest you in a Corolla?" ugh I'm half-worried that demand will actually jump for the '05, and half-hoping that there will be enough to go around. The hope comes from the fact that lots of people probably put themselves on multiple lists; so maybe this is generating an unnaturally high level of demand. But I'm also worried that there are lots of people like me, sitting on the fence waiting for lines to shorten, possibly waiting for the '05. I worry alot. I saw someone who said they drove "5 hrs to Danville", which could theoretically place them in DC. And of course, the WV mentioned above. Hmmm.
The Camry Solara had XM added this year Hopefully it will be on the Prius for 2005 - most likely when mine will arrive Chris
When I was in the dealership today, the Scion xB had XM radio installed. Price on sticker was $695 for the satellite radio. XM is one of the things I want but decided I could get the kit and do it myself for $200 less so I decided not to wait for the '05 and placed my order.
Only thing is.... the aftermarket antenna is a magnetic stick on thing Wouldn't the Toyota antenna be more permanent, like they have now on many GM cars? I have the XM Roady right now, and it's fine, but the antenna is magnetic and looks like it was just stuck on there Chris
I'm up for that. I installed PriusXM this weekend* and the only thing I wish is for a better antenna like they either have on the Audis or BMWs I see running around. (Painted the color of the car.) *thanks to Jon (priusxm.com) BTW ... I had no problems and actually watched your DVD once and proceeded to do it all without looking at the directions but once or twice after that. It really was simple but tedious with all the things you have to take out to get to the back of the radio. The only thing I did wrong was when I put the radio cage back I accidently snagged the cable to the parking button. I didn't notice until after I had put on the MFD. ::sigh::
I personally don't know how anyone is waiting months for this car, and still coming to this board to read about the car. It would drive me nuts. This is by far the greatest car ever. For me, the stars aligned. After finding out what the wait was going to be like for the '04 around my house, I spent about three hours on the phone and located a car about 2,000 miles away. Two days later I was on my way back home in my new car! I've had the car a couple of months now, and can't even remember what life was like before my Hybrid. So, Sun_Tsu, don't wait. Get the car whatever way you can, the fastest you can. You wont regret it. PeAcE
Did you try just putting the antenna on your dash somewhere? I've got mine on my dash in the corner stuck down using velcro and have never had any reception problems. Keeps the opportunity for vandalism & scratching the car down, too.
Yes, I tried the dash but got some dropouts under overpasses It works much better on the rear trunk lid I have a Ford Thunderbird Chris
I'm in the D.C. area too and put my $500 deposit down at Alexandria Toyota to be #70 something on the waiting list. I have a Lexus now and am just waiting for the lease to run out so I can afford the 6 month wait. Like I've told other people on this forum, I love the car, but I'm ready for a change towards progressive new technology. That being said, the dealer said that Alexandria is a volume dealer, so they get the most Priuses in the area b/c they sell the most. When I charged my deposit last week, he informed me that all dealers in the area would only be selling '05 models at this point. Also, the '05 models will have no change from the '04 models (price, colors, options etc.). which is too bad, b/c I really wanted a purple prius - a lavender-looking one! And yes, I am deadly serious!
I don't know anything, but... Toyota generally introduces major model revisions after a model has been out for (?) 5 or 6 or 7 (?) years. So the liklihood of a major model revision (better mileage, bigger battery, more power) seems pretty small. Smaller changes are possible. New colors, some folks have speculated on an EV button. Maybe they've found and fixed a few minor bugs. But if you order now you're probably going to get an '05 anyway, unless you get lucky and find one available in the boondocks. All I can say is, this is such a great car that you're going to love it, whichever model year you end up with.
A purple Prius would be great, even if only for the alliteration. But I think that if the dealers actually knew anything definite about the '05, Diane would have told us. I bet your dealer is just guessing, based on Toyota history. If they do add an EV button, I'm going to be sooooooo envious of the folks that get it!
I was thinking of more minor revisions that they could easily make year to year on a car like the Prius. One of the only complaints I've seen in reviews is about how the regenerative breaking doesn't feel "smooth" or "natural", but is still an improvement over the classic Prius. That seems like something they could pretty easily fix with software, and thus fix for the '05. Then again, the '04s should probably be updateable. I also wonder if they would put in a new battery if they came up with one. I'm sure Toyota engineers are constantly working on the next-generation of technology across the board, and I assume that an extra 12 months of research will, at the very least, shave some weight off the battery pack and such. That seems like the kind of easy, tiny modification that might make an '05 a tiny bit more efficient than a '04. But I really have no idea what I'm talking about.
I agree, my local dealer said they don't get info on new models until much later in the year. And they can't sell you one now, only put you on a contact list anyway. Probably more likely to find something on the web before they get official notice I'm planning on an '05, just want to let you generous '04 buyers shake out a few first year bugs. And let the service department learn on someone else's car It would be nice if Toyota would announce WHEN that are going to set the specs - Option packages, price, etc. I don't want to go in now and say "I want to order a 2005 #7 at MSRP" only to find out they restructured the packages and I'm getting things I don't want and not getting things I do want at a much higher price. Even if they put out new colors, it probably won't help since everyone here has said that the color chips are not particularly representative of "what you get". I'm thinking Seaside now that I've seen several of the colors up close and personal. Haven't seen a clean Salsa so I'll hold back on my 2nd and 3rd choices for now. I also figured the wait, once ordered, for an '05 would be less than the '04s as Toyota had figured out there is a bigger market for the car than they thought and they'll plan accordingly for '05. That may not be so good an assumption given the rate gas prices are going up AND the fact that the hybrids are getting a lot more good press now that the '04 Prius is out.