my 08 is at 42k miles with the original integrity tires still on the car. with too many tire choices out there, what would you recommend or what did you mount on your car. I live in NW florida, so I have no need for the tire to have any snow properties about them. I commute 45 miles a day at highway speeds, with few curves. I do use the car as my main family car. I would like noise levels to be low, fuel efficient (if there is such a thing), and last long mileage as 50k mile integrity tires barely last 2 years for me, resulting in "too soon to change" tires intervals. I'm keeping the car till it can't be fixed anymore.
Take a look at F8L's list of tires. You definitely want LRR types with good wet traction/handling. If you want to keep your car forever, change your transaxle fluid. Now is a perfect time.
I would go with what you have on there. The original that come with the car never seem to last as well as the replacement tires we purchase. Just make sure they are LRR tires. Hal
I have Goodyear Assurance Viva Fuel Max tires - they are the Walmart version of the assurance tires - I picked them since they are essentially the same as the regular assurance, just a slightly different tread pattern and they were the least expensive version. I got them about a year ago and have been very happy - mileage has been good (slightly better than with the OEM's) and they are good in the rain. As of right now I'd buy them again.
The original integrity tires on my '06 lasted till 49k. i replaced them with Michelin HydroEdge and have thought they have performed well. Handling in the rain is noticably sure, and have never even started to hydroplane, despite driving thru some intense t-storms. Car has 109k now, and still plenty of tread left. Seems like there was no noticeable difference in MPG; still get 50 if it's finessed. Unless some new extremely low friction compound is synthesized, i would definitely consider the HydroEdge again.
That's not an issue. 185-65-15 in one brand does NOT equal 185-65-15 in another. If you want Hydroedges on a prius you have multiple choices none of which are 185 tires. You'll notice it takes a 205 tire in the hydroedge to have the correct revs per mile for a Gen II Prius and either the 205 or 215 is a reasonable choice for the Gen III Prius depending on the rims you use. Gen II 15" choice 849 $105 205/60/15 Michelin HydroEdge w/ Green X Gen II/III 15" choice 832 $104 215/60/15 Michelin HydroEdge w/ Green X Gen II/III 16" choice 839 $111 205/55/16 Michelin HydroEdge w/ Green X
I only got 20,000 miles on the original integrity tires on my 2007. I switched to Michelin Harmony running 42/40 PSI, rotated every 5K miles and got 70,000 miles. During this time I was getting 52 MPG on a daily 50 mile RT commute, 55 MPH ave., 1200 foot elevational change. I recently bought Michelin X Radials and my mileage went down to 46 - 48 MPG still at 42/40 PSI. Wish I'd stuck to my guns and bought another set of Harmonys. P.S. I live in the San Diego Area.
The X Radial is not LRR rated so mpg will be worse. New tires also require a break in period before full performance is achieved. Keep in mind that old worn tires have lower rolling resistance than new tires and they were likely smaller in diameter than the new tires. All of this combined will drop mpg.