I have a 2005 Prius and currently play my music through the tape deck via my iPhone 4. I was driving a few days ago and saw in the bottom right hand of the screen a square with a little triangle in it. After clicking it I had the option to play through the bluetooth connection. I was VERY excited as less cables would be great & I didn't think I had the option. I got in the car the next day and the option isnt there anymore, I don't know how it happened, but I know it did so there HAS to be a way to do it and I am just the idiot who can't figure it out. Any ideas?
Note - I have an iPhone4 with iOS5. I have the nav screen and all that jazz on the prius as well. I am just at a loss for why it randomly just came on and I can't recreate it to happen again.
music streaming is not supported by the bluetooth protocols on any G2 model of the Prius. So unless your radio has been replaced with an aftermarket unit, it can not stream music wirelessly over bluetooth.
I have an IP4 too and a 2004 Prius with B/T. I was able to get the NAV voice from my iPhone to play over the bluetooth. Even tho my car has nav, I sometimes use the TomTom app in areas where there are new subdivisions (I have a 2008 data disk). Anyhow, I can't figure out how it does that, but it does. Also, I can hear my voice mails thru the b/T.
if your 2004 doesn't have the aux-in port in console, then the only way is to replace the HU or keep using the cassette adapter I can tell you I wish i had a cassette adapter over the annoying crackling aux-in input in my console
Crackling or is it more of an electrical noise that's coordinated w/various vehicle activities (e.g. pressing on the brake)? When? Always or only when your device is being powered?
I am aware of the noise you speak of ( electrical ground playing thru speakers) but that's not what I was referring to. When my iPhone 4s or my old iPhone 4 is connected via aux in I get a crackling when it's playing and sometimes it goes also monotone like a channel fades out. Only goes back to Normal when I open console and fiddle with auxin wire ( it's not the wire because this is the third wire that does it). This is annoying when your listening to a great track doing 80mph down te highway and all of a sudden the track goes out? I mean really lol
If you are charging your iPhone when this noise is happening try unifying the charger to see if the noise goes away. For me, it always does. Sometimes I find that if I unplug the charger and then plug it back the crackling sound does NOT come back. So it is sometimes possible to listen and charge wo the noise.
Well, thats not entirely true... a few cars ago I had my mp3 player hooked up to play through the cassette player via one of these: However what you meant to say is it is impossible to play music streaming through bluetooth on a Gen2. Right?
I've played music through my 2004 Bluetooth. It was not a pleasant experience. The frequency response is severely limited and only suitable for a phone call. The iPhone music was a voice recording but the quality of the recording was high. Cassette adapter is the way to go on this model.
I have a parrot bluetooth kit that supports music streaming, and regularly stream from my iphone5 to the car, works great
I tried one of these but it's doesn't work in my car: Bluetooth Music Audio Receiver Adapter for iPod iPhone PC 30-Pin Dock Speaker UK | eBay I think it's because it only supports analog dock and the prius dock must be digital