Hey, Fellow Prius(i) owners and lovers. I have had my 2002 prius since it left the dealer. The car has returned me home from many a trip and I have enjoyed saving plenty of cash at the pump. That being said, I was picking up my mother from the airport, and I got a check engine light of [main battery triangel !] the car drove fine but it worried me so i took it into the dealer to get the code(s) to figure out what is wrong. Let me step back and give some info on my car: 134k miles, no major work other that recall related fixes. I average about 39.5-40.5mpg. The major services that I have had done were on time and from the dealer where the car was brought from. So, the codes the dealer gave me are: p3140,p0303, and p0304. The paper work says that I am recommended; new updated injectors, valve lifter, and updated ecu. And the p3140 code could not be cleared. Ok, well that is the bad news from the dealer. I was lurking around this and other prius chat forums for a long time but, my car has just "kept on trucking". I have a 1992 v4 toyota camry as well and use the forums at toyota nation to fix minor problems on that car. I was hoping that this forum would lend a helping hand in this problem. I have searched out many threads on this forum and came up with one or two that seems relevant one of these was posted a few days ago: Because I am a new member I can not post a link but the thread was caption: 2001 Prius Check Engine Light-Dealer says I need to replace 4 fuel injectors posted 9/12 Thanks in advance for this question. Sincerely, Jahman
Even if they have updated injectors, the one your car came with would not set a check engine light just because there were updated ones available. Not to say that there couldn't be a problem with an injector, but all four all at once is extremely unlikely. Does the engine make any loud ticking noises? If not you don't need a new valve lifter. Also I have never heard a check engine code that said "bad engine lifter". Also they computer your car came with wopuldn't just decide one day to set a check engine light because there is an updated one available. Not to say that there couldn't be a problem with the computer. Their diagnosis sounds like they didn't know what they were talking about and just made stuff up. Get a second opinion.
I think they gave you a high estimate to compensate for the P3140. This is a wiring problem of some sort, which might take a tech a day or two to track down. Other than calling it an interlock code, the service manual is pretty vague, describing a problem with either the HV battery service plug sensor or the inverter cover sensor. Most likely it is an open circuit in one of these sensors. Check around the inverter and the HV battery for a broken wire. If you have not replace spark plugs, do that to address the P030x codes. Then check the ignition coils.
Thanks for your replies. I will change the spark plugs to start and look for loose wires in the indicated places. I thought that it was unlikely, that a car running well just up and dies, which what the dealer in essence said. This problem started after the dealer did a recall related service on the nut and pinion. My time frame to get to this project is in about a week so I will be checking this post and the forum during the week. Again thank you for taking the time to help out a new member. Sincerely, Jahman
Hey, guys I replace the spark plugs and took some pictures of them the number 1 plug is to the left and rest in order. I looked at them but they seem really good for being original. I looked at the wires that were attach to the plug igniters they seemed fine with no exposed wires. To answer another question the engine does not make any loud ticking noises. Hence, I will not be replacing the valve lifter. This question about "HV battery service plug sensor or the inverter cover sensor. Most likely it is an open circuit in one of these sensors. Check around the inverter and the HV battery for a broken wire." I don't know where to start on this diagnostic query. I don't have a fsm for this car. and slightly unfamiliar with this engine and layout. thanks for all the help I am sorry for not getting back to this post but I just got over a wicked cold and only now able to proceed. Sincerely, Jahman
Oddly, my 2002 Prius developed an odd periodic shudder thru the steering column after steering linkage recall work was done. It has 73k miles on it and mostly sits in the driveway - we take it out for a good drive once a week. It was running fine except for the shudder. Go out to take it in to have the shudder checked and the light of doom comes up on the computer panel - was told to drive it in… car would not accelerate. Had it towed to the dealer that did the recall work. They tell me that the "air flow meter, brake booster pump, and brake fluid level warning light all need to be replaced to the tune of over $2500. This didn't make sense as there was no problem with braking (they tried to tell me that was the cause of the shudder??). Why would the air flow meter suddenly go bad when the car was just running fine? I've requested that the service technician call me directly with the error codes as the service advisor couldn't answer any of my questions… awaiting the return call. Meanwhile I authorized only replacement of the air flow meter to get the car running again ($520)… is it possible that there is an electrical problem such as a loose connection or corrosion from high humidity (lots of rain for past month)? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Update: Technician said the computer diagnostic came up with error code C1251 (brake booster pump) and C1202 (brake fluid level switch) when car was received… even though there was no issue with braking or the abs prior to the "lite of doom". The air flow meter was replaced (visual diagnosis by technician = "it was clogged" - but have requested the old part be saved so I can examine it); the computer reset and car taken for a test drive… car is running fine & no other warning lights came on (error codes did not come back up after computer was reset). As for the "shudder" through the steering column, the technician re-ck'd the nut (recall work) & test drive - seems to be fine now. I requested that the electrical connections (esp the ground wire) at the 12V battery be checked for corrosion or loose connection --- this logically should be the first thing checked when the car/computer suddenly goes bonky? Lessons learned: Always question the computer diagnostic readout with common sense logic --- always check for loose, broken, or corroded wiring before assuming that a major component part is "bad".
We've had people report repair estimates of $12,000 before. The car codes P3000 and the estimate comes back for HV battery, HV battery ECU, HV ECU, Inverter, and Transaxle -- because all those are in the "trouble area" list. Another thing that can happen is a short to ground somewhere that takes out multiple sensor. Thought that might have been the case here.
I have been driving my prius for around 1500 miles and no more engine light of doom... Ya, I never found any lose wires or corroded electrical parts, but changing the spark plugs seemed to do the trick. Anyhow, thank you for your help, and a the helpful tips. One lesson learned is the dealership will lie to you and try to trick you into paying for service that is not needed. Thanks again. Jahman