Buying wheels with TPMS installed already. These will be my winter wheels. Once I have my tires installed on these wheels and have the TPMS programmed (for way too much money!) will I have to do this again next winter? Will I have to reprogram my summer tires next summer?
Be sure to get the serial numbers of the TPMS sensors. They are recorded in two places - the TPMS ECU where they're used, and mechanically on the outside of the sensors. You have to enter the numbers into the registration tool, which is going to be difficult if they're already sealed inside the wheel...
I do not know, TPMS's remind me of some of the funds in my portfolio: the gift that keeps on taking. Did you get the tire/wheel through TireRack? I seem to recall they might sell the device that initializes them, for a one-time exhorbitant amount. Or kind of like the aformentioned funds, just dump them? Basically by installing the wheels/tires, but not initializing them. I do know going that route the car will remember your OEM's with their TPMS when you put them back on next Spring.
If by initialize, you mean they basically "turn them on", then they do that when they install them on the wheels/tires. You still have to update the ECU in the car for it to recognize them. There's the ATEQ TPMS tool that you can purchase online, which works with the Prius to change the TPMS IDs. It'll even remember what you program into the program on your computer, so you can click "swap" and it'll load the correct IDs into the tool to be loaded into the ECU. Otherwise, you're stuck getting a TechStream compatible cable, software, and doing the update that way. I'm not aware of any other tools for consumers that are able to update the Toyota ECU for the TPMS - that's not to say there isn't one, though.
Yeah, my terminology is out-to-lunch: I meant introduce the Prius to them, and that's a pricey, ongoing exercise. My 2 cents to the OP: cut your losses: just ignore that they're there. That way at least your OEM wheels and rims will stay connected.
I really appreciate all of the responses... Because of all this TPMS stuff, I'm keeping my OEM wheels and will suck up the stupid amount they will charge to change them 2x per year!
yes you should have to reprogram it again.. see more repair guides on auto md.. and also might want to look at some of the car recall made this year...
I kept it zipped for a while, but can't stand it, LOL: You're going to get tires pulled off your OEM rims and re-installed twice yearly, just to enshrine the TPMS? That's a lot of wear-and-tear, labour, likely a new valve stem every time. My 2 cents, put the snows on separate rims, and drop-kick any recently purchased TPMS's off the end of the driveway.