I don't know about other Prius drivers but at night I am annoyed by car headlights behind me when they get close, especially when they get the right distance at a stop light and their headlights shine in through the back vertical hatchback window. It is very bright. When I had my window tint done, the guy there told me that it is plastic and they do not tint plastic. It bothered me a lot when I first got my Prius but after having my car for 3 months I am getting a little use to it. Maybe this doesn't bother too many people but if it does...anybody out there have a solution for that piece of the back window since it is so bright when headlights shine in?
People have tinted that window. The lights don't bother me but I have the autodimming mirror and that helps alot. You could also look into getting an aftermarket autodimming rearview mirror. People have done that on here as well, there may even be a thread describing the install etc. (same goes for the tinting that rear small window)
No problem about the forum, that's one reason I'm around here lol. I'd look for the threads to help you in the tinting and mirror but I have to run so I'm pressed for time right now. If you can't find anything just let me know and I'll post em' up later.
Every once in a while you should post in the wrong section on purpose. It's job security for Mark and keeps him busy. If you tint the lower hatch window just be sure to go lighter than usual since it already has a purple-ish tint to it. I've found that the barrier between the main hatch window and that lower section blocks tailgater's headlights perfectly, so me, it's a waste of $30 to tint that lower window.
I tinted mine. You have to get a lighter tint on top of it, to match other windows, since that window is already factory tinted.
I tinted mine. I used a 40% tint coupled with 15% on the rest of my windows to give it an even look from the inside looking out
Thanks for all the replies. Macmaster - Most of the time that barrier between does fit perfectly but every once in a while a driver will keep back a little bit further than normal and it will align with the back window. rrxing - thanks for the screenshot, good info.