Hello - I got the new iPhone 4s. It paired via Bluetooth with the Prius easily and makes / takes calls perfectly. However, it will not stream music through the audio Bluetooth mode! I cannot figure out why. It worked with the iPhone 4 easily! Any ideas?
I think you have to pair the BT handsfree and the media player separately. When I got my new phone, I paired the handfree with my new phone but the media player was still paired with my old phone.
Bluetooth works great with IOS 5 as you now get track info on the Nav display. Also Siri operates seamlessly through the Bluetooth audio. This all makes the lame USB interface even more obsolete (except now you don't get the annoying "non-capatability" message anymore)
Agreed, but it has benefits too - for example, I can have my phone paired for calling (since I'm driving), while my wife can have her phone paired for music (since she's been complaining for the past year about always having to listen to my music - and she finally has an iPhone too now).
All the while I had my 3GS iPhone it never occured to me that each bluetooth device (phone and player) had to be paired separately. I guess I did it (the whole process is rather lame imho) for each because I was able to connect and play bluetooth at times and use the phone through the car's navi system....However, often when I got the iPod player to pair I would lose my pairing with the phone...so I was forever having to reconnect the phone or the player...BUT, with my 4S iPhone I did discover that you can enter a new passcode for the player while futzing around with the system. So I've set the passcode for the bluetooth player to match the phone's passcode and now it seems I'm able to either use my iPhone as a phone or use it as a player without having to re-pair or reconnect the bluetooth devices separately. And Siri seems to work just fine through the system too...now, if only we could pair Siri to the NavTeq system! I am loving the improvements to the BT display and data fed from the iPhone! So much nicer than having to control the playing material from the iPhone itself. I wish there was a way, however, to scroll easily through all the albums on your iPhone and choose a new one. The Track/Seek buttons work great for fast forwarding or skipping/repeating songs, but it's lacking in the ability to move between albums/cd's very easily. Has anyone connected to the USB port to see if the USB interface has improved with the new 4S iOS5 as well????
I'm having the exact same issue with my phone. Makes calls perfectly but will not stream music. I'm not exactly following 'how' you do this. I cleared all phones out of my Prius and started from scratch. - I am able to pair my 'phone' with the Prius successfully after entering the 4-digit pin. - I then immediately go to Audio > Bluetooth > Connect. It will fail to connect. I erased all the phones out of the car again and just jumped straight to audio. - I would have the phone be discoverable and would go to Audio > Bluetooth > Connect. It still fails to connect. What exactly do I have to do to pair the audio? Thanks for your help!
I assume you have nav, since BT streaming is only available (in the US at least) with nav. My experience is it's best to pair the audio player first, then the phone. Try deleting all audio players and phones and starting again. Instructions are in the nav owners manual. For the audio player, from memory, you need to "register" the player (can't connect an unregistered player).
is this any help to any of you for the bluetooth problem? iphone 4s | bluetooth 4.0 | iPhone 5 How To - Fix iPhone 4s 5 - Jail break | Unlock