Format Date: xx October 20xx Total Dist: km / mi Tank Dist: km / mi MFD: L/100km or mpg US Calc'd: L/100km or mpg US Fuel Added: litres or US gal Average Speed: km/h or mph Remarks:
We just passed the Autumnal Equinox (first day of Autumn), temperatures are warm, and I'm earning 52 mpg (30 mi commute twice each day, Mon-Fri). Some times it rises to 55 mpg, but 52 is the per tank average (78k mi).
Date: 08 October 2010 Total Dist: 888.7 km / 555.4mi Tank Dist: 19677km / 12298mi MFD: 4.2 L/100km or 56mpg US Calc'd: 4.40 L/100km or 53.5mpg US Fuel Added: 39.129 litres or 10.6US gal Average Speed: 36km/h or 23mph Remarks: Lower grille partially blocked. Driving temps ranged from +5°C to 27°C
Date: 8th September to 20th October 2011 Total Dist: 34,832km / 21,770mi Tank Dist: 859.0km / mi MFD: 4.3L/100km or 54.7mpg US Calc'd: 4.65L/100km or 50.6 mpg US Fuel Added: 39.952 litres or 10.555US gal Average Speed: 32km/h or 20mph Remarks: Switched to winter tyres ~ 500km into the tank. Temps at the beginning of the tank ~10-20°C. Temps at the end of the tank ~ 0-10°C
Date: 10/12/2011 Total Dist: 2059 Tank Dist: 529.1mi MFD: 56.1 mpg Calc'd: 53.8mpg Fuel Added: 9.84 gal Average Speed: 27mpg Remarks: Temp vary from 50F to high 60's.
Date: 22 October 2011 Total Dist: 16508 miles Tank Dist: 692 miles MFD: 70.8 mpg Calc'd: 67.55 mpg Fuel Added: 10.244 gallons, 87 oct, E10 Average speed: 18 mph (stop-n-go without DWB ) Remarks: had 0 miles left and the last bar was still flashing when I filled up. Yokohama Avid S33 front tire pressure 50 psi, rear tire pressure 48 psi (tires were rotated 10/6/2011) Grill blocking 100% top and bottom ScanguageII (FwT,SoC,RPM,GPH) 160F < FwT < 195F target range 50% < SoC < 75% target range 0 < RPM < 1600 target range 0.00 < GPH < 1.20 target range the outside temperatures ranged from 50F to 80F mainly hilly suburbanite roads and stop-n-go city roads. No AC, No Heat/Defroster. In a week - I'll be lowering my tire pressure down to 42/40 for better traction. you can see the full mileage log on under Hybrids "HyperDrive 1" (top 100)
Looks like I need to start blocking my grille (I've been holding off because of temperature fluctuations). I can't raise the psi that high in the winter tyres. They're already as rough/uncomfortable as it is at 37/35 (I had it at 40/38 last year and they were brutal!)
Now that temps are more moderate I don't have to use the A/C as much and when I don't have to, mileage is 5-10% better.