Success Story Setting The Standard For Hybrid Cars Synergy between gasoline-engine, electric-motor, and battery technologies vaults the Prius hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle to high fuel savings and low emissions. With its sports-car look, avionics-like dashboard display, and an eerily silent and smooth start, it's no wonder that the Toyota Prius hybrid gasoline electric vehicle is one of the fastest-selling cars of its type. You may have to click through one ad to see the article, but no registration should be required. ("web" version, have to click to see the images) ("print" version, images collected at the bottom of the article) Sample image: [Broken External Image]:
baxie, Thanx for the article, was nice. I learned a thing or two... that the Prius doesn't have! 1) no starter (ie, as long as we have battery power, we can start the engine). This is good, since a good number of car malfunctions are bad starters. 2) no transmission. I thought the Prius had a CVT... but apparently, it effectively has NO transmission, reducing power loss and... more importantly, again reducing the number of potential malfunctions (I remember being in a auto-tranny failure in the left lane on I-405 in LA at rush hour... man was that a nightmare) Both of these mean... less trips to your repair shop/dealer! It also looks like the added complexity of the hybrid electronics seem pretty solid so far, so a net improvement in maintenance rating/costs
Hate to reply to myself, but are there any other major changes to the Prius that we can think of that might reduce the maintenance/ownership costs? I'd love to compile a list of these to spout off to my buddies about why they should join our "church of Prius"
Regenerative braking - much less use of the brake pads. The computer control of the engine ensures less stress is put on it, particularly when cold (the engine usually idles until it's warmed up while the battery takes over most of the work).
Don't forget less engine wear due to less ICE run time and the fact that it's spun up to 1000 RPM before it starts. Graham's site is cool and worth a read. I checked it out earlier today and really enjoyed the information I found there.
3 litre thermos that stores hot coolant to allow faster heating of the engine, reducing fuel consumption
No clutch. No alternator. Only one drive belt for water pump. The conventional vehicle has additional belts for A/C, oil pump of power steering and maybe super charger. Ken@Japan
Think about high trade-in price and possible use as a replacement power supply when electric power fails (see