I've been checking the inventories of local dealers here in PA, NY and NJ,,,,looking for the first 06, and noticed 05's are still coming in. What gives? When should we see the 06's in the Northeast?
Dealers in the West are this week getting the last of their '05 allocations, which I'm sure they'd rather not have. One reported a mixed shipment of a couple of '05s and a bunch of '06s. Not sure how long the delay is in the NE. What are your ports of entry?
Florida is still getting '05s, too. My dealer called to tell me a silver one had arrived, and it was available! He said there would be one more '05 coming, and then the '06s would arrive. I am holding out for an '06, though. POE here is Jacksonville.
How do you know your points of entry? And the dates? I live in Western Michigan. I'm first on the list for an 06. I hope to take delivery in 2006.
I believe that your Prius will arrive via Portland, OR. I live in Ohio and Portland was the port of entry for my 2005 Prius.
Portland, OR is a pretty major entry point for cars. Tacoma, WA is also a major entry point for cars. I would not surprise me that folks in the midwest receive their vehicles from Pacific Northwest ports of entry. The cars come in and then are loaded on rail cars convoys for further distribution to the central U.S. The rail network over the Cascades and the Rockies is very well developed and I would be surprised if transfer by train to a number of main distribution yards around the midwest was no more than 3 or 4 days travel from the port.
Your dealer can tell which ship it's on. My dealer knew what cars were on which ship, that's how they traded with another dealer for the color i wanted before the ship got into port.
my dealer knows nothing. I could ask them if they sell cars and they would be like..."well that isn't confirmed, I'll let you know when we get more information"
Apha team, sounds like you got a crummy dealer. Hope he doesn't jerk you aroud too much and you get your 06 when he said.