Okay, besides FREAKING OUT about the big purchase, I am really excited! I used to let out audible sounds every time I saw a PRIUS on the road before so now I will try not to do that anymore... Now help please... I paid over MSRP, really wanted the car and I think the AMT will cut me out of the upcoming credit so I just went for it....I'm wondering though, when everyone has listed in other threads that their price quoted was BASE + PKG + DESTINATION CHARGE, they were saying total of $$,$$$...but everyone was leaving out TAXES right?? Because here in LA, my taxes total 2,584.97 Plus I may have made the mistake of paying 1,795 for the EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACT (TOYOTA EXTRA CARE with a $50 deductibile for 84 months/75000 miles) and I got the GAP insurance for $595 and also the PAINT/FABRIC PROTECTION for $250...I thought the paint/fabric was a good buy since it's black exterior and tan cloth interior and I have two HUGE dogs. Please advise if I should try to get out of any of these extra charges and I will go back there tomorrow morning and do my best. Thanks so much!!!
First...congrats. Second you can cancel your extended service. You can get is from here for just under $1000 for the 100,000 mile service.
I would say, YES!, you did overpay for some of those things. BUT, you have already bought it, so enjoy your new Prius. Probably should have researched a little more. You can get out of the extended warranty and buy it here. That would save you about a grand it seems. Next, pics please! Glad to see the 06's are in La. Wonder how long til they make it to Oklahoma?
Thanks! And it covers the SAME things as the 'official' one I got from the dealer?? I really appreciate the response!
Congtratulations! BUT---you should have lurked here more! 1. Yes, we all left out sales tax in our calculations. 2. You can purchase the Toyota 7-yr/ 100K mi. $0 deductible extended warranty HERE for $990. A dealer in MA sells them for that. However, he asks that you not use his name with your dealer, if the dealer starts trying to negotiate (after the fact) the price downward---in other words, don't use him as leverage. Just tell the dealer you've thought about it and will wait to buy one later. (You have until 3 yr/36K mi. to buy one!) The dealer overcharged you about $1000 for the smaller EW you bought. It's a high-profit item. After you get out of it, if you can't find the EW info here, post to that effect and I'll/we'll help you. If the "paint/fabric protection" package hasn't been "applied" yet, try to get out of that, also. They're next to worthless. Basically a wax job and spray ScotchGuard or whatever on your upholstery, which has a built-in stain repellent. At LEAST get out of the EW. Your dealer probably won't be happy, and will probably say anything to persuade you otherwise. Be firm. Good luck. Let us know how it went.
For sure. You are giving the guy $800 more for a lesser product. Thats almost a couple car payments. I would not walk out of their with it.
Thanks! You all are amazing! Yeah, I got too excited and sucked into the instant gratification thing and oh well, I don't want to have any regrets so I'm trying to just focus on the fact that I can look at all the SUVs on the road with disdain now! WOO HOO!!
Woo hoo to you, too, Larry! (Always wanted to say five words in a row that rhyme ) You'll be in good, disdainful company here (plus some SUV owners).
Larry, congratulations on your Prius! I'm glad you're happy with your new Prius. My wife lets me take it to Safeway once in a while :angry: Good job getting the GAP protection, most of the people who need it skip it. Also on the paint protection, I personally believe in it and use it. Got it on our Prius, MR-Spyder, Forester, Eclipse, etc. However everything else turns out, I'm sure you will enjoy your car for a long time.
You might want to shop around for Gap Insurance, if you have a 3-day clause: http://www.gap-insurance.com/
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now instead of audible sounds, give a BIG smile and a 'thumbs-up'!! I am sure that you and your dogs will LOVE your new Pri.. Here's wishing you many happy ( and economical) miles with it!! _____________________________ 2005 seaside #6 w/etched glass Diamond Fusion and Auto Armor