While I was in Maui (Hawaii) last week with the full moon, we witnessed the most beautiful moonsets ever! FWIW, the moon's orbit hasn't changed much in 85 million years (it's moved some 450 km's). It's not a circle, and every 18 years or so a full moon will coincide with the moon being at it's closest to Earth. Which was last week !!! Oh, for those who didn't know, the mass of a full moon or a partial is *exactly* the same. No difference at all in the tides. If a full moon could affect an earthquake, we'd have one every 18 years like clockwork. Nope. Every day, the moon varies it's distance with us by 50,000 km if we round up.
Re: Minor correction Bra... That's probably just one of the many volcano vents on Big Island having a case of bad gas. The full moon was last Monday / Tuesday (Oct 10, 11th). It was *gorgeous* setting between Lanai & Molokai, seen from Kaanapali beach.
" A powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey on Sunday, killing at least 60 people as it collapsed buildings into piles of twisted steel and chunks of concrete. Desperate survivors dug into the rubble with their bare hands, trying to rescue the trapped and injured. " You're the man! Now if you could PM me the next winning lottery numbers I would be very grateful.
Re: In two weeks... another prediction... I copy and paste my whole life it appears... paste up something because I find the thing interesting and the darn ground itself rumbles hard enough to shake things to crumble... as a fellow member said previously, someone will make silly predictions... I really wasn't expecting there to be any, and as there is very little one, anyone that understands geology, can do to state there will be an event somewhere in the scale of days is not possible... and should be taken as a silly prediction... More importantly for me, reflecting on the images of the pain, suffering, and destruction at there respective places around the globe, I don't see that we are improving in our abilities to get assets at the site quickly enough to recover those that are trapped. And those folks that do come in to assist in the recovery are often trapped themselves in the aftershocks...