I noticed from around 9am this morning for a few hours. Seems like it's happening every few weeks. Hopefully Danny gets it sorted out or gets the hosting service to get it together!
Every morning since this past Monday at 6am EST the site has been SLOW. Danny, anything change, new host etc? If yes, DROP EM'.
Yeah, I couldn't access this site at all yesterday. This has been happening on and off for about a month now. There must be some sort of issue with the hosting server.
Agreed there is a web site called UporDown.com where you can check, I was getting PriusChat down during the morining of the 20th.
I'm fairly certain it depends upon the time you are trying to access whether or not problems are experienced. 6am EST Mon-Fri have been problematic for me on many many occasions now.
slowdown every Mon morning? hmm, that kinda implies that they are taking the weekend off. come in Mon, in find out their automated firewall/anti-virus did not update, so they have to shutdown to update and reset everything? but then again, maybe not. i think we just a bit paranoid. or actually maybe everyone was fine until they read this...