Priuses (Prii?) are great cars for birding from the road. You can get real close, and stop the car, and there's no idling noise to scare them off! In the Southwest, we have gotten to within 15 feet from burrowing owls, and even closer to some hawks. Watch out for your low clearance (we have matching scratches low on both sides of our old Prius), and ... Enjoy!
Maybe you can swap him pictures of his Ivory-billed woodpecker with your Yellow billed Magpie. A Sacramento treat!
Can mods move this to FHOP Nothing about this thread involves technical discussion. The only thing technical about this thread is what binocular or camera/lens is best for birding.
I suspect our local Canadian Geese of peopleling. It's in the way they look at us and bob their heads. Saw a solitary Heron (I think) or something like that standing in the not so dirty anymore Mon the other day.
Good one F8L, Ivory-bill is the one I was thinking too, last seen in a Southeast swamp area. More likely find would be Painted Bunting, never seen one though so beautiful.
An ivory bill sighting would be amazing but i'd settle with any bunting, they are gorgeous! On a side note, we found a California black rail on one of my nature preserves last week. I love finding threatened species on my properties. Means you're doing something right.