I'm about to explode! I have done endless searching on trying to find an Aux input for my Prius. I have an 04' w/Nav, 6-cd, and JBL. What I am looking for is something to give me a 3.5mm aux input for an MP3 player. Everything I have found says to use a DICE but I do not have an ipod, I use a regular 3.5mm 1/8" plug. Can someone please tell me specifically what units will work for my specific Prius? Thank you SO much.
This forum is for the Gen III (2010) Prius. Our car has a 3.5mm aux jack in the console. You posted in this forum. Trade in your car for a new model? Otherwise post in the correct forum. Doesn't the DICE adapter include a 3.5 aux jack? Probably your best bet. edited to add--I'm not complaining about where you're posting but rather suggesting you're more likely to get help in the correct forum. I haven't heard of anything other then DICE. Accept the IPOD functionality as a "bonus". I checked Crutchfield. DICE should work with your car. Adds iPod control, an aux input, a USB input, and a satellite radio connection You could buy a cheap FM transmitter on eaby. Sound quality will be suspect. Might work if you're using your mp3 player for recorded books. Not so good for quality music.
Check with the folks over at VAIStech.com. I had one of their units in my 2005, no nav. It had both iPod dock and plain 1/8 inch plug. I don't know what they're offering these days.
I have use this auxiliary audio input in some older prius, only if there is a SAT button PIE TOY03-AUX2 TOYOTA AUXILIARY AUDIO INPUT ADAPTER if you don't have the satellite button you will need to use the ipod adapter and use the input audio only or a hard wire fm modulator
I have an 08 Prius with 6CD/ Nav etc and an AUX jack in the console. Is this jack a 3.5 mm audio jack? I want to connect my XM radio direct to this jack because when I use the FM output of the XM radio receiver and receive it on one of my FM radio frequencies, there is always interference from somewhere; can't find a truly clear channel in the LA area. I THINK the audio output jack of the XM radio is a 3.5mm jack, but not certain.
I have an adapter with a plug that fits both the XM radio output and the Prius AUX input jack, and my micrometer says the D is .140 inch, which is indeed 3.5 mm. That answers that. My other Q is, does plugging a plug into the Prius AUX jack automatically disconnect/override the CD player?? If so, then I guess I have to unplug the cable from the AUX to use the CD player???? I don't see anyplace in the menu to change from one to the other, and the button on the console says just CD/AUX.
Newer Gen II Prius have the 3.5 mm Aux input jack. Pressing the CD/AUX button toggles between the two devices. Tom
If you do not care to about ipod functions you could us an inline FM converter input. It is a box that goes inbetween the radio and the antenna. Because it connects directly to the radio antenna there is not the interference like a wireless FM converter. I installed one in my 2005. Used the lighter socket switched power wires for power and zip tied it behind the dash next to the radio. If you pull the passenger side center vent and remove the glove box you will see a big empty space you can mount it in. Ran input wire out of the bottom of dash passenger side heater vent. It was only $40.