I like the NO CO2 one. Several weeks ago I saw a Prius in Chapel Hill, NC with LESS CO2 as the license plate, and thought it was very fitting. [snapback]108193[/snapback][/b][/quote] I was thinking about this... CO2 is Carbon Dioxide, CO is Carbon Monoxide. I think NO CO would be more appropriate, but might not be as easily understood unless the person had recently taken a General Chemistry course. ;p
Taken, when I tried it in the CA DMV personalized plate doohickey last night: GD 4 US now thinking about 4 GEEKS or GEEKY I'm not a Trekkie, but I really liked one posted upthread: B ME UP
How about this "TBZ4GAS"? (Too Busy for Gas) My favorite of all time (before license plate police) was "IM2BZ2P".... translation: I AM TOO BUSY TO PEE.
I'm biased, of course, but my favourite would be...um...mine! My 2004 is silver, and the plate is 'HYO'. As in 'Hi-ho, Silver', said the Lone Ranger to his horse, spelled like HYbrid. I feel silly explaining it, but people always ask me what it means. I have no idea if this is available where you live. All bribes and royalty cheques gratefully accepted... Haven't we done this before? This must be the third or fourth go-round on Prius plates.
I know this has nothing to do with the Prius, but the plate I liked most from a design point of view was IIAWAH. I guess Utah would be the only other state this would work.
Several of my coworkers have "hot rods" that they like to take out to the drag strip. When I told one of them that I was getting a Prius, her respose was "I love people like you - saving more gas for people like me." That got me to thinking - maybe I could get MORGAS4U. They allow 8 characters here in NC.
My plate still only exists in my Avatar, it's been on order but have not received it yet..... the farfromfuelen license plate frame will certainly go around it.... Ken
Originally I wanted Euro plates for the front bumper. After thinking about it for a while I thought that was kind of silly. My steering wheel is on the wrong side and It's a Japanese car. I thought I would rather pay a little honor to that and go with a Japanese plate. They measure 13.5x6 " and I would like to know if there is anyone that has a good source for an enclosure for that type. The custom plate itself should be around $40, but I can't find a holder for it. I would like it to have a cover to keep the bugs off. If I'm going to spend the money on the plate I would like to protect it.
In Ohio you can have 7 letters and 2 spaces. The best one I've seen in Ohio is "SMILAGE" _______________________________________________________