Just when you think all is back to normal with single-occupant hybrids out of the carpool lane, it turns out we might want ‘em back in. In June of this year, We warned of a Hybrid Carmageddon that would envelop California, once the single-occupant HOV lane access stickers expired on the 85,000 hybrid vehicle.Well, the summer is over, everyone is back to work and school—and a new UC Berkeley study finds that banishing those hybrid drivers from the carpool lanes has made traffic slower for everyone. HYBRIDS COME HOME TO ROOST | LA Car Did kicking hybrids from carpool lanes slow everyone down?
There is another thread, just like this one, where we have been more or less analyzing and discussing this very subject: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-h...ybrids-carpool-lanes-slows-everyone-down.html