If you replaced your side mirror covers with the JDM lighted style, and you have the old covers tossed in a box in the garage, for a few bucks, I'd like to grab a set (or two) to experiment with, and get them out of your garage. Silver would be great, but I'll have to paint them when I'm done anyways. Light colors are easier to mark for cutting, and such. I'm a UPS shipper, and I can email shipping labels so you don't have to worry about that- it's just a matter of dropping at a UPS location. :eyebrows:
the trade is starting to sound more interesting with the lack is response. I know there's many, many people out there with the side mirror signals now. I wanted to buy a couple sets to experiment with back-lit polycarbonate for the turns and flush mount LEDs for the approach/flood lights that work with the interior lights.
If anybody is like me, we're keeping them and also the OEM taillights in case our insurance companies total our cars and we have to replace them, in which case we can just put the stock stuff back on before signing them away. Cheap insurance just to keep them, especially given they're not that easy to get.
I parked next to a new Avalon at church today and it looks like they use the same side mirrors as the Prius. The photo doesn't really capture it well, but from all the angles, it looke like the same