I have an upcoming trip to Oahu in a couple months, and figured I'd ask the best group of folks I've come across in awhile for advice, etc. I'll be there for only a week, but was hoping to get some information as to good restaurants, activities, etc. I have found all the typical touristy type things online, but was hoping for the lesser known stuff. I prefer the quieter places, but I know that sometimes that may be out of the question. So, anyone that lives or has traveled there have any info or tips they'd be willing to share? Thanks Matt
Hi Matt, I am sure Ed will chime in soon. The family and I were there in April and once you get out of the Waikiki area, it is pretty quite. On this trip, we had a local drive us to the north side and found a gorgeous beach (turtle beach I think it was) and though it wouldn't have been good for swimming really, it was nearly deserted and there were turtles on the beach which the kids love. Also there was are really great place to get shaved ice nearby. It is famous for the shaved ice. Have a great time.
I am in Sin City currently, I will write more when I get behind my computer, kind a pain posting from my mobile.
My wife and I were just there for our honeymoon. We spent 5 days in Maui, 3 in Oahu and then 4 in Kauai. If you're a fan of the TV show LOST (I'm a complete fanatic) then the company KOS tours is still offering an assortment of tours around the island. Since we only had 3 days on Oahu (one was taken up by the LOST tour), we spent the rest of the time there doing some shopping in the International Marketplace and hiked up Diamondhead Crater. The hike is a lot of fun, can get strenuous at some parts, but offers an amazing view of the surroundings. I highly suggest you purchase the book "Oahu Revealed". It's in a series of books written by Hawaiian residents about each of the islands. The information contained in these books was invaluable during our honeymoon. It describes places to eat, sleep, scuba, hike and anything else you'd want to do!
For inflight reading, check out 'Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen, Liliuokalani.' It's a refreshing change from the white people's perspective on Hawaiian history. Also, try William N. Armstrong's 'Around the World with a King.' Despite Armstrong's best efforts to belittle Kalakaua, Hawaii's last king's greatness shines through.
I'm traveling there this Oct 7th 2011 - any other people that are PADI ? I'm wondering if you *have* to go to the Big Island to see an active volcano.
Restaurant-wise, I like the Tiki Room at the Aston Waikiki Beach hotel. They have a nice bar there, with live music by the pool. I like the North Shore. I lived in Waianae, and can't wait to get back.
Kailua Beach is a gem if you like laid back gorgeous.But its a trek from Honolulu.Thats where Obama stays. Best relax in Waikiki is 5pm Hawaiian music at "Room Without A Key"bar at Halekulani Hotel . They have the best old timey authentic music and a Miss Hawaii dancing hula. Right on the beach.With free Maui potato chips. But pricey drinks and food. Eat afterwards if you are on a budget.
When seeking travel info on message boards, I find myself posting in the Happy Hour section of TiVo Community and/or flyertalk.com.
Thanks everyone for the tips so far! Sorry it's taken me awhile to reply back, just been running all over the place lately. I'll try to look over all the suggestions this weekend, since I hopefully will have some free time since I'm going to be home.
You might try the Contemporary Art Museum and cafe in Makiki. It's also on the Tantalus/Round Top Drive 10 mile mountain loop through rain forest and views of the city. Also many hiking trails if you're into that. Honolulu Academy of Arts » TCM- Spalding House La Mariana for a cold beer. It's an old style tike bar. La Mariana Sailing Club | Oahu's Private Marina and Original Tiki Bar Tango's near Ala Moana Shopping Center/Ward Center, across from Ala Moana Beach Park. Good breakfast, lunch and dinners, nothing exotic. Tango Cafe | | Located in the Hokua building in Ward Center A drive out to the west side to Makua and Yokahama Beach is worth it, if you go early in the morning I'm sure you will see many dolphins. You can even swim with them off Makua if that appeals to you. Mask, fins, snorkle, and boogie board would be helpful. The beach will probably be deserted. Leave no valuables in the car if you go down to the beach. Yokahama has life guards, ask about the conditions so you know what's happening in the water. If you are on the west side and going to get wet, stop by Makaha Beach and look at the house on the point with the flag pole. Next to the flag pole is a pool about chest deep to swim in. It's called Beal's pond. Access is a right of way on Makau St which is first left after Makaha Beach. It's one house over from the bamboo house you can't miss it. Go at low tide.
I'm certified! My wife and I did dives in Maui and Kauai which were absolutely amazing! Unforgettable diving, especially at Niihau (Kauai). As far as I know, the Big Island is the only one with active volcanoes. Almost positive.
Nope, haven't taken the trip yet. I leave Nov 12th (I think - the day after veterans day, and ironically what would have been my mom's birthday). I'll be spending 3 nights on Oahu and 3 nights on Kauai. I did take the advice from another poster, and got the ultimate guides to Oahu & Kauai (the blue books) and from my impression of them thus far, they are great. I've been planning and planning to the best of my ability so far. The next to last stage of planning will probably be my booking my skydive @ Dillingham and reserving a shore dive on Kauai. The rest of the potential activities on the list I've made, will get thrown in there as we go. Since I have 12 hours on planes (5 to PHX, 7ish to HNL) and my friends have about 9 hours (2 to PHX, same 7ish to HNL) we plan to use the PHX-HNL to finalize our plans. Since we have only a few days on each island, I felt this was the best idea so we didn't waste too much time sitting there each day trying to figure out what to do. Ed, any recommendations for food, drinks, dining? I personally prefer the undiscovered hole in the wall types. I have a gift card to Landrys Restaurants, which I'll use a Bubba Gumps for a dinner. Or even recommendations for activities, outside of the typical touristy stuff? I'm always open to suggestions!
I'm skipping going to Big Island - I'm in Maui right now, plenty of things to see & do. I cannot recommend anyone going snorkeling or diving at Molokini - big hassle for little gain. Plenty of shore diving / snorkeling that is better. Unless it's whale season - October isn't that. Dove the Cathedrals - that was beautiful. Been to Kihei, Lahaina, Kaanapali and of course "Da Kitchen" in Kahului. Nice place to visit. Warning to fellow Americans...you'll want to live there.
Check out this thread from earlier in the year. http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/89898-anyone-in-hawaii.html One thing that might hamper your plans to skydive and muck up your movements in Waikiki is the up comming APEC Asian Pacific Economic Cooperative meeting here in Honolulu the same time you will be visiting. What's New | APEC 2011 Hawaii Official Site Security Frequently Asked Questions | APEC 2011 Hawaii Official Site Honolulu Will Host APEC in November There will be heads of state and President Obama will be in attendance, there will more than likley be a total flight ban in and around Oahu during the APEC. I have not heard an announcement of the Temporary Flight Restrictions yet but in knowing what's happened on Obamas past Christmas trips there will major flight restrictions.
I found the TFR, if you plan on jumping on the 12th or 13th it is not happening. http://www.rotor.com/rotornews/Oct11/111004ApecAdvisory.pdf
Looks like I'll be jumping on the 14th then. Better make my reservation! Hopefully this doesn't muck up my other plans or activities too much. Thanks for that info!