I'm in SoCal and want to take advantage of the 0%APR for the purchase of a 2011 Prius. I noticed that Toyota Financial Services has an online application for financing services and the pre-approval is accepted at any "participating dealer." Has anyone had experience with this? Should I just apply for financing at the dealership? I want to save time but am afraid that when I get to the dealer, they may say they are not participating and not accept the pre-approval. Is there an online tool to determine which dealers are participating?
i think you should just call up the dealers. i was shopping for a prius 1 week ago, and every dealer i called in socal knew about the 0% for 36 months. your credit score needs to be like around 700 or so to get it though.
I thought there was no 0% financing for Prius but if you were able to get it please let us know. I got mine last month for 2.90% from Bank of America. Credit score 730+
SoCal dealers are offering 0% financing for 36 mo. for purchase of new 2011 Prius. I'll let you know how it goes at the dealership.
No, you don't have to be a 700 to get the 0% for 36 months. It's tiers I, II or III meaning even someone with 650 FICO score will qualify.
I think the 0% financing just started here in Maryland. 0% for 36 months. You have a choice between that or if you take the regular APR from Toyota financing you get $1000 back. I was going to pay cash for my 2011 Prius. Now I'm thinking I could finance the car, take the $1000, then pay the entire loan off at once, before I spend the money I have saved for a car elsewhere. . I don't know if this is allowed or if there is a pre-payment penalty on car loans.
The only thing that's changed, at least as far as my region is concerned for tier requirements, is that right now, you're hearing the truth.