roll your eyes at me, but I had to share bc I am childish in this way (in SO many ways, actually). I make lunches for my kids every school day and for tomorrow's lunch I was able to add my cute little pripri! :cheer2: zoom zoom~! (doesnt it look like a prius? right? right? )
The fact that you make the time to make the meals makes you a #1 mom! Welcome to the group... Now I'm hungry.......
That looks like a lunch my daughter would make for her daughter, except not the Prius Her mold would be a Princess of some kind. I think both of you are wonderful Moms.
It's perfectly fine (great) to be childish. However I'll admit, when I was growing up, that lunch would of got me killed. My grade schools weren't cutesy...I would of had to find someplace to hide to eat that....because if anyone saw would of been the end of my life.
Back when I was a kid, a packed lunch consisted of either a boloney or peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fruit to weigh the bag down so you could thow it away easier. Of course, I was in school back when my classmate Noah kept getting in trouble for drawing pictures of boats all day. Things may have changed since then.
thanks for the complis guys! The pri is a boiled egg. I put color to it by steeping it in tea for a few seconds and then stuck it in a mold. the flat end came out bc my egg was flat on one side so I put that on the end and made sure it would stay that way. I have a bento diary and post them on my facebook page everyday and a lot of my friends say the same thing about how their kids would either never eat half the stuff my kids would, or how they would get made fun of. lol. My kids are 5yrs old so they are still ok with cutesy fartsy stuff. I will cry just a little the day they come home and tell me that their lunches are "dumb". waa~ah! Im really glad I have PC. All my other non-prius friends probably think I am a little loony to be going on and on and on about my new prius.
Excellently done! My wife also makes Bento for our kids. She also takes pictures of her many creations, though nothing like a Prius yet! Our kids, especially the teenagers, get a lot of envious looks from their friends at lunch for sure.