davidbw and cybele. Good points, the assistant store manager I spoke with said that they are trying to promote the use of electric cars; no charging use was mentioned. Here in Plano (Dallas area), I have yet to see an EV1 or an electric RAV4. Most people drives large SUVs and trucks. I don't remember seeing electrical outlets near by for recharging. I will have to check next time I am there.
I've never seen an EV car, let alone a EV Charging Station. I'd say it is for hybrids, knowing that part of the country, and not for what we think of as "EV" cars.
I'm not sure if you can park in these spots in California... http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/d11/vc22511_1.htm
In my opinion, the Prius is not an electric car. In my further opinion, a business owner has a right to give preferential parking to any class of vehicle. But I wonder if a business could legally have a vehicle towed without enabling legislation. Could it be considered trespassing? Would it fall into the same category as if it were designated "Fry's Customers Only"? Would it be bad for business to enforce such a right? On another tack, how much of an incentive is it to buy a Prius just because you can park a bit closer to Fry's? Finally, there may not be many "real" EV cars out there, but there are lots of places where everybody tools around in golf carts. If this place is located near such a neighborhood, I'd consider it abusive to park a Prius there, unless they change the sign to include hybrids. Oh, and yes: in a few years there'll be so many hybrids on the road that a couple of parking spaces will serve no purpose.
I would imagine things would get pretty ugly pretty fast...it would be a poor business person that would tow a non-hybrid/EV vehicle. I think it sort of works the other way around, the incentive is to draw the tech saavy hybrid owners to their business instead of they're going to Circuit City or Best Buy. I agree, it seems unlikely that it would be incentive enough to encourage someone to buy a hybrid, and even if someone did it would be no advantage to Fry's. It might get someone thinking about it though. Let's hope.
I'm in the process of wrapping up a municipal parking deck project in Southern Vermont. With the Federal funding piece came the requirement for 4-6 spaces set aside for "Electric Vehicles Only". I argued they'd go unused (we do have local enforcement/ordinance). I was able to change the final signage to read "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles only"...I'll try to get pics to post. Tom
Fry's has had Electric Vehicle parking spots for years. They are charging stations. I do not think they were intended for hybrids, no matter how much we like our Prius cars. I got to test drive an EV1 at the Sunnyvale Frys a few years ago - GM was doing an event there. Not all EVs have been recalled - a guy a block from me has an EV1. /Gordon
I think it's a conspiracy concocted by the Bush administration so EV and hybrid drivers will walk shorter distances from their parking spaces to the store, therefore getting fatter and weighing down their vehicles which will then in turn cause the driver to consume more energy.
Check the following thread. Scroll down and find where on 16 April I posted a copy of the form you need to submit to the San Jose permit office. You could have found this by searching for all terms "san jose parking" using the search button on the top of the Priuschat window! http://www.priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic....an+jose+parking
It all becomes cumulative. Would you buy a Prius just to get $1500 back on your taxes? Just to get to drive in the carpool lane? Just to park closer at a store? Just because it's a total chick magnet? Individually, the answer is probably no. But when you start combining them all up, it becomes a much better deal.
Same here, I did not buy the Prius for the "special parking" nor for carpool lane benefits. I bought it for low emissions, good gas milage, and to watch the faces of my friends, who drive big trucks and SUV, when gas prices are rising and their response to the picture of the special parking spaces. :lol: Their expressions are priceless!