We just got another Gen III - but most now come with Blue Logic standard... Ours did too - so has anyone integrated it with aftermarket HUs??????????? Seems it would be a common question - but I haven't seen it answered here (???)??? TIA!!!
I just put an aftermarket GPS/Stereo with Bluetooth in my car that had the Blue logic Bluetooth in it from the dealer, and it STILL works just fine!! I had originally thought about taking it out, but decided to see what would happen if I left it in. BOTH Blue tooth units work, and this way, I can sync mine to the GPS unit, and the girlfriend's to the Blue logic unit, and we are both covered, unless we both get calls at the same time.... and that doesnt usually happen.
The Blue Logic unit has a harness and connectors that hook up between the "car's harness" and the radio. The connectors on the radio side of the Blue Logic unit look just like the original car harness connectors. If you just disconnect them from the original radio, and use an adapter harness for a Standard Toyota Stereo on your new aftermarket radio, it works just fine. I went with a Chinese GPS radio from ebay. Other people on here have referred to it as the "OttoNavi" radio. Most GPS's will allow you to program in more than one cell phone, but they will only sync with one at a time. If you leave the Blue Logic unit in place, you can actually have TWO cell phones synced up to the system at the same time!
that's good to hear... always thought one would cancel out the other. I have two cells, one for work and it'd be nice to not have to switch back and forth
I suspect your navi already connects the pins (because it's plug and play). The Pioneers/Sonys etc of the world are spliced in via a connector - I would have no idea which pins get connected where on the Pioneer. I'd think guess they are some kind of mic, audio - but there are only AUX jack inputs to most aftermarkets - and that doesn't work seamlessly (you'd have to switch input, and still wouldn't have a mic input)...
Yeah, you may have a point there. There are 3 connectors from the "car/bluetooth" harness to the Autonavi radio, I know that two of them are just power, accessory power, and front and rear speakers, and the third one handles all the "car specific" stuff like the steering wheel controls, center console aux jack, and probably the bluetooth audio. There was one other connector that I didn't even use from the car harness to the radio, and I'm not 100% sure, but I think that may have been for the CAN buss.... but that is just a guess.