Today (Oct 08, 2011) I bought a new 2011 Prius 3 (with Nav) for $24,750. Tax, tags and dealer processing fee ($200) were extra. Is that a decent price?
Hi! Welcome to PC and congrats on your new ride. I hope you will love it as much as most people here. What color is it? I am not familiar with all the new prices, so hopefully someone else here can give you an idea about the price. It sounds like it's in the correct ballpark though.
Great price, the Prius is still a hot car in the Midwest and most dealers were asking sticker on a Prius 2. I felt fortunate to get $300 off sticker on 9/14/11. Hope you enjoy the car.
The county I live in MD is supposed to be affluent and the dealers behave like they r dealing with precious stone or a rare painting. They gave me expensive quotes and treated me bad. One gut replied back to me with a condescending email when I tried to bargain. I had to go to another county (in MD itself) to get the price I got for my Prius-3 (with Nav). This was less by $1,750 than the quote I got in my county.